The Campus Art Guide features a selection of the University’s holdings. Click on the artwork titles below to be directed to their pages
Anderson, Judy and Viader Knowles, Rachelle
Parallel Worlds, Intersecting Moments, 2012
Anderson, Margaret; Blashill, Louise; DeCelles, Anna; Ellis, Cathy; Fafard, Joseph; Keith, Borghild; Kot, Joan; Kubik, Wendee; Mayhew, June; Noble (McKay), Ann; Patterson, Margaret
Frog, 1971
Ashoona, Pitseolak
Young Woman and Owl, 1979
Joyful Owl (10/50), 1961
Bear, Ned
Nakahsoowot, c. 1997
Benjamin, Anthony
Baskerville, 1972
O Factor, from the Roxy Bias series (5/95), 1972
Bird, Keith
The Clans, 2009
Elk Whistle, 2006
Spotted Thunderbird Healer, 2010
Bloore, Ronald
Untitled, 1987
Boyer, Bob
Red Scarves, Street People and Polluted Rain, 1988
It’s always about the rain, n.d.
Burns, Brody
Awareness, 2021
Chambers, Ruth
Yellow Cup with Tulip Lid, 2014
Chartrand, Judy
Hangover Soup, 2002
Cicansky, Victor
Stairway Tree of Knowledge, 2018
Cuthand, Ruth
Covid-19 Mask No. 6, 2020
Claxton, Dana
The Sioux, 2010
Driscoll, Cara Gay
Arches, c. 2000
Dzama, Marcel
Just to watch him die, 1997
Untitled (man with flaming fist), 1997
Untitled (Santa Claus), 1997
Fafard, Joseph
Le jardin de l’esprit (Mind’s Garden), 1997
Saskatoon (AP III), 2007
Espérance (8/20), 2004
Fontaine, Lita
Blood (Remnants of my Grandmothers), 2000
Gakovic, Maria
Resurrection of Lazarus, c.1989
Untitled (Vase), c. 1984
Untitled (Handled Bowl), n.d.
Gallus, Agnes
Untitled, 1975
Garneau, David
Au Cœur de la Prairie, 2005
Batoche Teepee, 2009
An Interesting Meeting on the Prairies, 2005
Godwin, Ted
A Fine Fall, 1970
5/4 Freight, 1967
Harbuz, Ann
Easter Sunday, 1979
Chopping Wood, 1974
Hunt, Henry
KillerWhale Mask, c. 1964
Welcome Figure, c. 1981
Hurtubise, Jacques
Alabama (purple, yellow, green, black) (3/15), 1973
Agatha (6/30), 1973
Kazimierski, Daniel
Glidden Colony (or Hutterite No. 16), 1976
Kitchemonia, Larissa
Saturday Night Pow Wow, 2019
Kreyes, Marielouise
Man I, 1972
Kumar, Madhu
Let me be more, 2014
Lannoo, Marie
Colour Wheel #8, 2011
Lindner, Ernest
When Lightning Struck (27/60), 1975
Dead Fall #2 (41/100), 1976
Logan, Zachari
Daphne, from the Eunuch Tapestry series, 2012
Foot Rest, 2015
Lochhead, Kenneth C.
Untitled (Small Town Scene, Craven), c. 1952
Yellow Peak, 1972
Chamber Pink, 1970
Myth by the Shore, 1960
McCarthy, Doris
Iceberg Fantasy #2, 1972
McKay, Arthur Fortescue
Untitled (Green and Brown), c. 1974
Impenetrable Image, 1963
Mandala (Brown on White), 1974
Morrisseau, Norval
Graveyard Scavenger, c. 1966
Peter and his Friends (a/p), (n.d.)
Morton, Douglas
Green Stripe, 1962
(Emma Lake Abstract, 1960)
January Collage, 1962
Motherwell, Robert
Untitled, from the Basque suite (82/150), 1971
Untitled, from the Basque suite (139/150), 1971
Africa 8, from the Africa suite (141/150), 1970
Nicholl, Marion
Utopia, 1947
Nugent, John Cullen
Tolsop, 1977
Parsons, Bruce
Song from a Perfumed Garden / green leap left, 1965
Hot Alors / big red sky, 1965
Perreault, Wilf
Alley Cat, 2000
January, 1997
Peyachew, Lionel
The Four Directions, 2005
Phillips, Walter J.
Cathcart’s Island, Muskoka, 1927
Pootoogook, Paulassie
Legendary Figure of Taliilajuuq, c.1971
Rocamora, Anita
Lidded Crane, 1988
Vase, 1988
Orange Fruit, 1998
Hanging Bottle #2, c. 1979
Runns, Bernice
Tapestry (Tah-hah-sheena), c. 1971
Sapp, Allen
Threshing in the Old Days, date unknown
Horses Drinking, c. 1983
Spence, Sheila
All About Star series, 2011
Sullivan, Françoise
Callooh-Callay (1967/ 2010)
Sures, Jack
Slab, c. 1965
Small-Necked Pot, 1981
Untitled (Bowl), c. 1967
Untitled (Lidded Box), c. 1967
Tanabe, Takao
Banners, 1973
Forest, c. 1953
Forest Impressions 25, 1953
The Land 8, 1973
Tawijaka, Martha
Tapestry (Tah-hah-sheena), c. 1970
Tellez, Eugenio
Charte de Vol (Artist’s Proof), 1972
Thomas, Roy
Untitled, 1985
Untitled, 1985
Guidance (AP), 1985
Untitled, 1985
Thorn, Anthony
Untitled (City with Trees), 1960
Maria Luísa y Fallas, 1956
C. Richardson, Paris, 1953
Tilson, Joe
Pl. 1 Mysterious Principles of the Blue Bag (8/70), 1973
Warkov, Esther
East of Alabama 1 and 2, c. 1974
Wilcox, Zane
Garage, 2010
Aerodrome, 2011
Yuzicappi, Marjorie
Tapestry (Tah-hah-sheena), c. 1970