Views From the Library – The 3D Printer At Our Door



Libraries are forever evolving and growing with the time and society they serve.  Libraries also do more than adapt to changing needs;  they become places of creativity and innovation.  Some of the greatest trends across the library world right now involve community programming and makerspaces.  Academic libraries are certainly no exception,  and while our focus is perhaps more scholarly-oriented than a public library,  academic libraries are amazing hubs for creative thinking, invention and ingenuity.

Did you know we have a 3D printer at Archer Library?  Perhaps one of the most auspicious technologies of our time,  the potential of a 3D printer is limitless.  Whether it’s an original project or an idea from a 3D object repository, having a design created on campus is as simple as filling out a form (links to repositories and FAQ’s too!):

So whether you were on campus at the time of the proud launch of our 3D Printer, or you are just learning about the technology now:  the next time you walk into Archer library, take a peak at the 3D printer to your left, and remember that the creative possibilities in a library are infinite.