July Book Club: #Notyourprincess

This month’s book club features an anthology of works called #Notyourprincess, edited by Lisa Charleyboy and Mary Beth Leatherdale. Including stories, poems, photographs, essays and more, the book can be viewed online through the university library system here: https://casls-primo-prod.hosted.exlibrisgroup.com/primo-explore/fulldisplay?docid=01CASLS_REGINA_ALMA21139698110003476&vid=01CASLS_REGINA&lang=en_US&context=L

Join us Wednesday July 21st at 12pm for online conversation via Zoom. To sign up, please visit our page here (email info on the home page): https://uregina.libguides.com/c.php?g=716288&p=5107422

For information about the book, discussion points and more, visit the July tab (Check out our summer reading list too!): https://uregina.libguides.com/archerbookclub/July2021

Staff, faculty and students are all welcome!

Image Source: https://www.annickpress.com/Books/9/NotYourPrincess