Views From The Library – Heartwarming Biblioburro!



Regina has been caught in a very cold spell these last few weeks.  We have persevered,  and hopefully this week has been either a rest-and-relaxation week, or a productive catch-up week!  Archer Library will continue to be open regular hours as students prepare for the rest of the semester.   Come and say hi to the friendly folks at the front desk who can help you with your studying and research questions!

If you didn’t have a chance to have a winter break in warmer climates,  here is a heartwarming story about the magnificent Biblioburro!  Luis Soriano brings books to remote areas of Columbia on two donkeys,  providing education and reading material to those who would otherwise have little access.   “Biblioburro” is basically a play on words that means just what you imagine:  Donkey Library!  Biblioburro has inspired a couple of children’s books, and even a PBS special.

Photo credit and more information: