The Library and Student Success: Part One

Libraries have always been co-operative ventures, and academic libraries stand at a unique crossroads between several aspects of the academy, including teaching, learning, and student support. Thus, partnering with other units on campus to advance shared aims is a key way the library fulfils its mission. One example of this is a new joint venture between the Archer Library and the Student Success Centre. Emerging from conversation between the Student Success Librarian and the Writing Co-ordinator was a proposal to improve access to writing support, particularly during evening hours.

This new partnership will see writing tutors available on the main floor of the Archer Library in the Poplar Room. These drop in sessions will be available on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday evenings from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. beginning September 18. This extends the availability of this important service beyond regular business hours in a location convenient to students. The success of this initiative will be assessed at the end of the fall semester, but we are hopeful that students will take advantage of this opportunity such that it would be continued in future semesters.