New Read-and-Publish Agreements with Elsevier and Oxford University Press Journals

The University of Regina and the Canadian Research Knowledge Network (CRKN) are pleased to announce that we have signed a new three-year, read-and-publish agreements with Elsevier and Oxford University Press Journals.

As a member of the CRKN, the University of Regina will benefit from unlimited open access publishing in more than 1,800 Elsevier hybrid journals with no cost to the author (i.e, with no article processing charge (APC)). It is estimated that the agreement will allow approximately 9,000 articles from the CKRN member institutions to be published in the next three years. The term of this agreement is January 1, 2024 to December 31, 2026 and includes 73 participating institutions. The complete agreement, a list of eligible journals, and a publishing workflow for authors are available on CRKN’s Open Access Publishing web site (

We have also signed a new read-and-publish agreement with Oxford University Press Journals, which allows University of Regina researchers to publish their articles as open access in OUP’s hybrid journals without paying an article processing fee. This agreement is in effect February 1, 2024-December 31, 2026. Again, the agreement, a list of eligible journals, and an author publication workflow are available on the CRKN site.

Through these read-and-publish agreements, CRKN members have leveraged their collective negotiating power to support the Canadian research community. By covering the cost of open access publishing in this agreement, CRKN members are unlocking a significant volume of Canadian research publications, while ensuring that research funding can cover researcher needs rather than publishing costs.

By signing this agreement, Dr. John Archer Library and Archives, along with other members of the CRKN community, are demonstrating our commitment to transforming scholarly communications. Together, we are building a future where knowledge is accessible to all.

For more information on these and other APC discounts and waivers available to University of Regina authors, please visit the Library’s Open Access web site (