Meet the Staff: Angela Asherbranner

Every month yoURArcher blog will be profiling a staff member so you can get to know the people behind all the library magic.

This month we’d like to introduce you to Angela Asherbranner, one of our valued User Services employees.  Angela has a Master’s of Fine Arts and performs wizardry with maps, videos, and illustrations.  Her hobbies include MMOs and serving her feline masters.

Loki, one of the above mentioned feline masters.

What’s the one book you suggest everyone read?  Why?

Non-fiction:  Il Libro dell’Arte, Cennino Cennini.  Fascinating insight into the culture, materials and techniques of 14th Century Italian artists.  Many of the methods are still valid today.

Fiction:  Strangers, Dean Koontz.  Fun story of suspense and drama with an unexpected ending.

Who are your favourite writers?

Dean Koontz
Edward Johnston
Nicholas Hilliard

What’s one skill that everyone should develop?

Technology skills beyond the basics.

Which person – living or dead – do you most admire?

Nicholas Hilliard

What do you consider your greatest achievement?

I don’t know, I’m not done achieving yet.  So far, any achievements related to my professional development as a Digital Artist.

Where would you most like to live?

Anywhere they never heard of snow.

What is your most treasured possession?

My two adorable, demanding cats, my 18.5′ Alienware laptop with dual Nvidia graphic cards.

What’s one powerful piece of advice for living a fulfilling life?

Never believe anyone who tells you that you can’t do something.