Library LOL – #1

“Watching patrons trying to find things in the collection after shifting”


GIF – – 30 May 2015

As you may have experienced we are working on a shifting project in the Archer Library.

When this project is completed the library users and visitors will be able to enjoy moreĀ  window views from each library floor. We have already compressed the journals on the 5th floor and have moved part of the collection on the 4th floor to the 5th floor. Currently the library staff is moving the collection on the 4th floor. And when that is completed part of the 3rd floor will be moved to the 4th floor. And last but not least the 3rd floor will be shifted to create the “Library with a View” areas on the 3rd, 4th and 5th floor of the Archer Library building.

We recommend a visit to the website Library Problems, created by William Ottens (MLS); if you want to have a laugh at common librarian frustrations.