The Faculty of Education, University of Regina.
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New Certificate in Teaching Elementary School Mathematics
We have a new certificate program starting Spring 2017! Certificate in Teaching Elementary School Mathematics (TESM) This program provides experiences to deepen one’s understanding of mathematics concepts, with courses in...
Enseignants en français: la nouvelle génération
Two new graduates of the Bac program are interviewed on Radio-Canada What are the challenges of future teachers of French in the province? The Daybreak team invites you to discover...
Supporting the achievements of Aboriginal students in numeracy
In late December of 2016, Dr. Gale Russell was invited by the Student Achievement Support Unit within the Manitoba Ministry of Education to attend their second Mamtowisiwin session that was...
Tupper stresses importance of McDowell Foundation in current climate
In her keynote address to the McDowell Foundation’s 25th anniversary gala, Jennifer Tupper, dean of the Faculty of Education at the University of Regina, told those in attendance that the...
Student Success Celebrated
Student Success Celebration Photos (to view slide cursor over the photo and click on the arrow) The Faculty of Education, along with partners SUNTEP Regina and YNTEP (via Skype), gathered...
Student Artwork Commemorates Arts Education Program
Artist and second-year Arts Education student, Molly Johnson, was commissioned to produce the commemorative piece that will be installed in the Faculty of Education to celebrate the Arts Education program’s...
New Edited Book on Culturally Responsive Pedagogy
Culturally Responsive Pedagogy: Working towards Decolonization, Indigeneity and Interculturalism Edited by Dr. Fatima Pirbhai Illich (University of Regina), Dr. Shauneen Pete (University of Regina), and Dr. Fran Martin (University of...