CRKN (the Canadian Research Knowledge Network) is delighted to announce that 34 student publications from the University of Regina, representing approximately 3,000 pages of content, have been added to the Canadiana collection. The publications were digitized and made available by CRKN with the collaboration of the Dr. John Archer Library & Archives, University of Regina.
The collection includes the early student journal The College Register ( ) which was published intermittently from 1914 to 1930. Issues contain news about faculty, staff, and students, as well as campus events, student literature, and local advertisements. The collection also includes the student yearbooks The Freshman (1946–1962) ( ) and its successor The Tower (1962–1968) (
These publications give us a glimpse into life at the University of Regina’s predecessor institutions and campuses across the country, and provide insight into the issues of the day through a student’s perspective. The University of Regina student publication collection represents another noteworthy addition of CRKN member content to Canadiana, following the addition of the McGill University Library map collection. It is also a meaningful addition to Canadiana’s existing body of student publications.
CRKN is grateful to staff at the University of Regina for their participation in this initiative. This collection of University of Regina student publications is available on
For questions or comments about this collection, please contact Georgia Ashworth, Heritage Engagement Officer, at
Image credit: Page 6 of The Tower yearbook, 1962, available on