It is global Open Education week! March 7-11 celebrates the developing movement and community of shared and open educational resources like open textbooks, journals, creative commons licensing, and much more. Information about OE Week can be found here: https://oeweek.oeglobal.org/
This week two online sessions are being offered at the University of Regina:
1) TODAY – Open Pedagogy discussion: Decolonization and Justice, Tuesday March 8, from 11:00 – 12:30 pm.
2) University of Regina OER by Subject Directory, Thursday March 10, from 12:00 – 1:00 pm
Stay tuned for two more Open Educational Resources and Creative Commons Licensing sessions coming up later in March.
You’re also welcome to check out some of the University of Regina Library and Open Textbook resources:
University of Regina OER by Subject Directory