Final exams are now upon us. This time is stressful under the best of circumstances, but students – and faculty – are now faced with the added challenge of adapting to an entirely online mode of learning.
The Archer Library recognizes the importance of taking time to de-stress, regroup, and refresh during these difficult times. While we can’t be there for you face-to-face, we wanted to provide you with some virtual distractions.
You may be feeling a bit of cabin fever, so why not take yourself on a virtual vacation? You deserve it!
- Walk among the ruins of Machu Picchu, visit an empty Sistine Chapel, or tour some of the world’s most famous museums here.
- Feeling adventurous? Explore the Carlsbad Caverns, the caves of Lascaux, or scuba dive in a coral reef.
- For a slower, more relaxed outing, take in the calm beauty of nature hikes or just sit and enjoy some backyard wildlife.
- If you’re missing the library atmosphere, check out some of the world’s most beautiful libraries here.
Remember that library staff are still here for you! If you need assistance, visit the library’s home page for links to our various online services.