The Archer Library is honored to be part of the 2024 “One Book One Province, Saskatchewan” program organized by the Saskatchewan Library Association. This year’s book selection is Jennifer S. Wallace’s “Miss G and Me,” a daughter’s memoir of her mother in anecdotes, journal entries, poetry, and personal essays.
The Archer Library Anti-Oppression Book Club (AOBC) will meet via Zoom to discuss the book on March 14th and March 28th, 2024. You are welcome to join the conversation, whether you’ve started or finished reading the book.
Thursday, March 14th 2-3pm Register here:
Thursday, March 28th 2-3pm Register here:
Facilitating the conversation will be Alexandra Hodson RN (U of R, Faculty of Nursing) and Mary Chipanshi (Archer Library)
Visit the AOBC Guide ( ) for more information about the author and how to access the print book or eBook.
On Monday April 8 2024 (2 pm – 4 pm) we are excited that Jennifer S. Wallace will visit the Archer Library for a hybrid Meet-the-Author event.