The Education News Blog

The Faculty of Education, University of Regina.

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The Conversation: Make room for play as we stumble through this pandemic holiday and new year

We hear constantly how the COVID-19 pandemic has affected the economy, personal finance, education, health and the work day. But what about play — how has the pandemic affected play?...

Journey of Becoming a (Trans-multi)culturally Responsive Educator

Exponential growth in student diversity, the challenges posed by the current COVID-19 pandemic, and recent racial injustices in Canadian and global society, demand that we continue to explore ways to...

Autumn 2020 issue of in education published

A new autumn issue of the Faculty of Education’s in education journal is published. Read online or download the full issue at Check out this stellar line-up of articles:...

Living in Colour: Blackness and Racial Justice and Equity in the Education Institution

The current coronavirus pandemic has created economic, social, educational, and political uncertainties in North America and worldwide. This pandemic has tested our systems and has changed the way we perform...

Systemic racism in education

Racial justice and equity are the impetus behind Dr. Jerome Cranston’s research and teaching. As part of an interdisciplinary, international “community of inquiry,” Cranston studies topics that, in his words...

Circle of Giving

The Florence & Grace Donison Bursary in Education The impact of student awards is matched only by the powerful stories behind them—stories about the donors who had a deeply personal...

The ESS is navigating pandemic and making connections

When Jordan Balfour was voted in as Education Students’ Society (ESS) President for 2020/2021, he didn’t expect he would be navigating a pandemic. “The world we are living in now...

Autumn 2020 issue of Education News – Published!

In this Issue The autumn 2020 themed issue of Education News is published. This issue highlights a few of the ways in which the University of Regina’s Faculty of Education...

SCPOR Trainee Funding Program recipients

PhD Candidate Natalie Owl is the recipient of a SCPOR Trainee Funding Program award (2019-2020: $10,000 and 2020-2021 $5000) for her patient-oriented research project, “Cultural Continuity and Self-determination: Resolving Sociolinguistic...

Student donates November tips and wage to local organizations

An inspiring student story! Because of the uncertain and troubled times of the pandemic, 3rd year Secondary Education student Brayden Larson wanted to spread some hope and positivity, so he...