Located on the Regina Five Wall, CB 101.12, hallway outside Lecture Theatre (College Avenue campus, 1st floor)

© the Estate of Douglas Morton. Permission to reproduce granted by the Douglas Morton Family. Photograph by the University of Regina.
January Collage, 1962
Collage and acrylic on hardboard
48″ x 60″
University of Regina President’s Art Collection; pc.2001.3
Douglas Morton taught at the University of Regina from 1967 until 1969, while here he was the director of the Visual Arts Department. Morton was part of the Regina Five, the group responsible for bringing critical development of contemporary art to the province and all of Western Canada. He was also an avid participant of the Emma Lake workshops that took place in Saskatchewan. The celebrated Modernist artists that led the workshops reinforced his interests in Abstraction; which in turn led him down his path as an Abstract Expressionist painter, a defining aspect of his career.