Located in LY 101 (hallway outside Dr. John Archer Library)

(top 3 images)
Resurrection of Lazarus, c.1989
Porcelain, glaze
14″ x 7 1/2″ x 7 1/2″
Gift of Dr. Morris C. Shumiatcher, O.C., S.O.M., Q.C. and Dr. Jacqui Clay Shumiatcher, O.C., S.O.M., 2017; sc.2017.51
(bottom left)
Untitled (Vase), c. 1984
Porcelain, glaze 17″ x 10″ x 7″
Gift of Dr. Morris C. Shumiatcher, O.C., S.O.M., Q.C. and Dr. Jacqui Clay Shumiatcher, O.C., S.O.M., 2017; sc.2017.52
(bottom right)
Untitled (Handled Bowl), n.d.
Porcelain, glaze
10 3/4″ x 9 1/2″ x 16″
Gift of Dr. Morris C. Shumiatcher, O.C., S.O.M., Q.C. and Dr. Jacqui Clay Shumiatcher, O.C., S.O.M., 2017; sc.2017.50
Wrapped in burial cloths, a man miraculously emerges from the tomb where he lay for four days. Jesus waits nearby, while witnesses worship at his feet. This is one of two scenes from the famous biblical narrative that Maria Gakovic depicts on her lidded vessel, Resurrection of Lazarus (c. 1989). A sense of the spiritual often appears in Gakovic’s paintings and ceramics, be it a resplendent painted landscape or an infinity pattern woven into a ceramic basket.
Maria Gakovic moved to Canada from Yugoslavia, where she settled in Regina in 1952. She was a student at the University of Regina under painters and Regina Five members, Arthur McKay and Ted Godwin, and ceramist Jack Sures. Under their tutelage, she received a Bachelor of Arts (1974), a Bachelor of Fine Arts (1976), and a Master of Fine Arts (1985).