Located in hallway ED 501.2, next to ED 547 (Education Building, 5th Floor)

Mandala (Brown on White), 1974 © Arthur Fortescue McKay. Copyright Visual Arts-CARCC, 2018. Photograph by the University of Regina.
Mandala (Brown on White), 1974
Oil enamel on hardboard
47 1/2″ x 47 1/2″
University of Regina President’s Art Collection; pc.1974.5
Arthur (Art) McKay was a professor for thirty-five years at the School of Art, Regina Campus (now the University of Regina). He also helped initiate the Emma Lake artist workshops, where prestigious artists came to a retreat in Saskatchewan to teach and share in artistic practice. He was one of the renowned Regina Five, who were responsible for bringing modern, abstract expressionism to a then isolated prairie city and province. Art McKay and his colleague Kenneth Lochhead attained international recognition for their inclusion in Clement Greenburg’s Post Painterly Abstraction exhibition in Los Angeles in 1964.