Located in CL 401.2, in display cabinet adjacent to CL 420 (Classroom Building 4th floor)

© Jack Sures. Reproduced with the permission of Jack Sures. Photograph by the University of Regina.
Slab, c. 1965
Stoneware with fibreglass
24″ x 15 1/2″ x 3″
University of Regina President’s Art Collection, Shumiatcher Donation. Gift of Dr. Morris C. Shumiatcher, O.C., S.O.M., Q.C. and Dr. Jacqui Clay Shumiatcher, S.O.M., C.M., 2016; sc.2016.115
This work was donated by Drs. Morris and Jacqui Shumiatcher, prominent philanthropists who maintained a close personal relationship with the artists whose work they collected. Jack Sures, a longtime professor at the University of Regina, has been no exception. The Shumiatchers first purchased one of Sures’ pieces in 1967, and in 1968, Morris was involved in the bris for Sures’ son, Ben.
Over the years, Morris and Jacqui acquired many of Sures’ works. They purchased Slab (c. 1965) in part because of how its overall “slab-like” shape belies its intricate design, and in part because it is such a departure from the pots and vases that comprise a large part of Sures’ body of work.
Other works by this artist:
CL 101, Classroom Building 1st floor hallway, outside CL 111: Lidded Pot (c. 1967-70); Goblet and pedestal bowl (c. 1967); Pot (c. 1967)
Classroom Building 2nd floor staircase: Untitled (1972), ceramic mural
Vault: Small-Necked Pot (1981); Untitled (Bowl) (c. 1967); Untitled (Lidded Box) (c. 1967)