The Faculty of Education, University of Regina.
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Teaching hard truths in a positive way: Kâsinamakewin
Natasha Halliwell, a third-year Elementary Teacher Education student, can now add author and illustrator to her list of titles. A mom to 7 children, wife to Tyler, and former youth...
Inaugural Postdoctoral Fellow Incentive Award recipient announced
Award announcement: Dr. Needal Ghadi has been awarded the inaugural Postdoctoral Fellow Incentive Award in the Faculty of Education. Dr. Christine Massing, who has co-published with Dr. Ghadi on four...
Study informs services and supports for South Central Saskatchewan newcomers
With the considerable increase in Saskatchewan’s ethnocultural diversity, understanding newcomer resettlement and integration processes in local rural and smaller urban communities is critical to the development of services and supports...
Alumna envisions schools as environments of empowerment
In March 2022, alumna and teacher Kiah Holness (BEd ’22) was honoured by Sask LEADS with an exceptional student award for being “an exemplary advocate for the well-being of Saskatchewan...
Spring 2022 Education News
In this issue: A note from the Dean….. 3 Change maker: Tranforming schools and society….. 4 Alumna envisions schools as environments of empowerment….. 10 Why become a teacher? To be...
Whisperings of the Land – Indigenous Science
The Whisperings of the Land Indigenous Speaker Series presents Wilfred Buck, a Cree astronomer and long-time educator, who will present on Ininiw Acakosuk (Cree Stars). Everyone is welcome to join...
Immigrant Settlement and Community-Newcomer Integration in South Central Saskatchewan study
Congratulations to this group of researchers including #UREdu‘s Dr. Christine Massing and doctoral candidates Stephen Davis and Lucrécia Fuhrmann. The study “Immigrant Settlement and Community-Newcomer Integration in South Central Saskatchewan:...
Whisperings of the Land series event
The Whisperings of the Land Indigenous Speaker Series presents Dr. Herman Michell who will speak on “Land-Based Education: Embracing the Rhythms of the Earth” as part of the 2022 Indigenous...
Funding announcement | SSHRC
Congratulations to Dr. Melanie Griffith Brice, who is recipient of a $67,243 SSHRC grant for her project, “Lii Michif – kitipîm’sonaw – ki Tipmishoonaan (We own ourselves).”...
Successful defense | Dr. Donna Swapp
Congratulations to Dr. Donna Swapp, who successfully defended her dissertation “School Principals’ Work in Grenada” on Monday, March 21, 2022 from Western University. Supervisor: Dr. Katina Pollock, Western University External:...