The Education News Blog

The Faculty of Education, University of Regina.

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Alumnus Honoured as Top Principal

Alumnus James Wahl (B.Ed. ’95) has been recognized as one of the top principals in Canada. Canada’s Outstanding Principals Awards are presented annually by The Learning Partnership, a national charitable...

ECS and ESST Students View the “Moving Forward, Never Forgetting” Exhibit

On Wednesday, March 4, Education students viewed an exhibit at the Mackenzie Art Gallery entitled “Moving Forward, Never Forgetting,” which features newly commissioned works, performances, and living Story Keepers as...

Bac Students at The Witness Blanket

Fourth year Baccalauréat en éducation students viewed The Witness Blanket, an exhibit created out of reclaimed items from residential schools, churches, government buildings, and traditional and cultural structures to give...

talkin’ about school and society presents

Dr. Patti Lather, Ohio State University Against Proper Objects: Toward the Diversely Qualitative 4:00 p.m. Tuesday, March 24, 2015 Education Auditorium Dr. Lather‘s work examines various (post)critical, feminist, and poststructural...

Arts Ed Students Perform at Wascana Rehabilitation Centre

On February 13, the ECS 312 Arts Education students organized and performed a Valentine’s Day show for the residents at Wascana Rehabilitation Center. (See video above) The key focus was...

Aboriginal Storytelling With Dr. Shauneen Pete

February is Aboriginal storytelling month in Saskatchewan. The Leader-Post (2015, Feb. 23) published this video of Dr. Shauneen Pete telling a story she heard from her father about treaty making...

le Talk Bac, 4(2) Feb. 2015

Les étudiants mettent la main à la pâte! Dans le cadre d’une série d’expériences d’atelier du cours Didactique de l’éducation artistique, les étudiant.e.s inscrit.e.s à la voie élémentaire du Bac...

Education Professor Among Award Recipients Recognized for Leadership in Global & Indigenous Education

Dr. Shauneen Pete, an associate professor in the Faculty of Education at the University of Regina, who also serves as the executive lead on Indigenization, was recognized (along with David...

Professor pioneers Massive Open Online Courses

Dr. Alec Couros, an associate professor of Education Technology and Media in the Faculty of Education Photo: U of R Photography Dr. Alec Couros, an associate professor of Education Technology...

The Witness Blanket

The Witness Blanket installation is now at the University of Regina campus (January and February). Instructors are invited to include topics of residential schooling in this winter’s courses. Please bring...