The Education News Blog

The Faculty of Education, University of Regina.

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Loss of a colleague | Dr. Sean Atkins

It is with great sadness that we convey the news of the passing of Dr. Sean Atkins, partner of Dr. Christine Massing, who passed away late afternoon on Friday, April...

Faculty member recipient of National Indian Brotherhood (NIB) Trust Fund grant

Dr. Jolee Sasakamoose, is the recipient of a National Indian Brotherhood (NIB) Trust Fund grant in the amount of $117,422.00 for her project Indigenous Wellness and Land Based Therapies. The...

New report added to the Professional Learning in Canada series

Check out Dr. Pamela Osmond-Johnson’s newest report as part of the Professional Learning in Canada Series Osmond-Johnson, P., Zeichner, K., & Campbell, C. (2017). The state of educators’ professional learning...

Announcement: Dean of Education

On March 17,  the Board of Governors at the University of Alberta formally approved my appointment as Dean of the Faculty of Education at their institution for a five year...

Faculty member recipient of CIHR Indigenous Approaches to Wellness grant

Dr. Angela Snowshoe (co-principal investigator with Donald Gamble) is a successful recipient of a CIHR Indigenous Approaches to Wellness research grant in the amount of $138,056 for her project “(Re)Connecting...

Faculty under construction

Have you been wondering what is going on in the Faculty of Education? The Faculty is currently undergoing construction for two capital projects. Second floor construction began in November 2016...

Successful Defence

Congratulations to Dr. Sara Schroeter who successfully defended her dissertation, “Difference at Play: An Ethnography of Discourse and Drama in Multiracial Classrooms in a Francophone Minority Language Schools,” April 3rd...

SSHRC grants awarded to faculty

Dr. Andrea Sterzuk, with colleagues from McGill University, has been awarded a  SSHRC Knowledge Synthesis grant ($24,000) for a project entitled, “Ethical relationality, Canadian applied linguistics and Indigenous language revitalization.”...

Faculty member’s co-authored book released today

Dr. Pamela Osmond-Johnson is a co-author for a new book that has been released today entitled Empowered Educators in Canada: How High-Performing Systems Shape Teaching Quality. It is currently the number...

Grad student elected new president of Basketball Saskatchewan

Grad student Jeremy Sundeen of Regina has been elected  as new President of Basketball Saskatchewan. Sundeen who is originally from Fort Qu’Appelle, was part of two Fort Qu’Appelle Gold medal...