Category: le Bac

Le Talk Bac 5(2) October 2015

Talk Bac v5 n2 octobre 2015

1Talk Bac v5 n2 octobre 2015

September 28 was a day to celebrate the importance of learning languages ​​and the Bac program was present! At the annual Congress of the Association of Teachers of French in Saskatchewan, 22 Bac pre-interns could hasten their employability process, having had the opportunity to participate fully in the activities of the provincial congress during their EDAC (parallel to PLACE initiative with our colleagues from the Faculty’s English programs). This participation was organized by Prof. Jean Dufresne, in collaboration with Prof. Claire St. Cyr Power who sits on the Administrative Council of SATF/APFS . All team members were also there to support both our students and the SATF/APFS!
Talk Bac v5 n2 octobre 2015

Beaulieu-Prpick, L., & Carlson Berg, L. ( 2015, September). Benefits of Master’s Degree to Professional Development. Workshop presented in the context of Congress APFS 2015, Moose Jaw, SK .

On September 17 and 18, Dr. Marie Lace Brogden, with the participation of consultants called ” North ” – Gisèle Rivard and Ms. Janie Generous – facilitated the internship seminar in Saskatoon. This training allows co-op students and Bac students working in Saskatoon and Prince Albert to prepare well for intensive courses in French.


SATF-APFS (@satfapfs) - Twitter 2015-10-05 14-37-41Congratulations to Ms. Hélène Préfontaine of Prince Albert, recipient of the 2015 Prix Rezansoff


le TALK Bac 5(1) September 2015

Talk Bac v5 n1 1er septembre 2015

In this Issue:

  • Celebration of defense: Dr. Fadila ‘s Boutouchent
  • Summer activities
  • The start of the school year

Successful defense of  Fadila Boutouchent’s thesis!

The Bac team congratulates to Fadila Boutouchent, PhD, for the success of her doctoral studies. Dr. Boutouchent, tenure-track member in the Bac team, brilliantly supported her PhD in Educational Sciences in Francophone minority communities at the Université de Moncton (NB). The thesis, entitled Learning and Maintaining a Second or Additional Language French: A Study of Young English-Speaking Canadians, addresses the sociolinguistic factors conducive to learning and maintenance of French second language. With the Bac program, Dr. Boutouchent teaches professional development courses to the first year and preinternship levels. She teaches courses in science education and a specific course for teaching in Francophone minority context (CFM ). She is also in the field of research related to CFM, including collaboration with other universities. Dr. Boutouchent is interested in understanding issues such as initial training requirements, developing the sense of belonging and identity in an out group, and science education in CFM. She serves on the selection committee, the French Institute and the Admissions Committee, Studies & Scholarships of the Faculty of Education. Nationally, Dr. Boutouchent University Consortium is a member of ACPI.
Fadila Congratulations!

Back to School 2015
The Bac team prepares enthusiastically welcome the new cohort 2015-2016 with more than thirty é Entries in Bac are slightly higher compared to those of last year. In addition , it should be noted that 29 é continue their internship this session , and so will spend four months in schools. This important step in the initial training is also very appreciated by é preparing to soon launch their teaching careers. We thank all the schools that ” un.e of us” this fall!

News : Research – Create – Community

Community Involvement
Dr. Marie Lace Brogden and Dr. Laurie Carlson Berg participated as volunteers at the Northwest Regional Conference Symposium of the Society of International Educators DKG, in the month of July. Dr. Brogden served as Captain Wellness while Dr. Carlson Berg helped with registration and reception of the participants, the latter reaching five different Canadian provinces, over 18 American states and Norway.

Congratulations on Successful Defence

Dr. Fadila Boutouchent
Dr. Fadila Boutouchent

Congratulations to Dr. Fadila Boutouchent, a lecturer in the Faculty of Education’s Programme du baccalauréat en éducation, who successfully defended her dissertation titled Apprentissage et maintien du français langue seconde ou additionnelle: Une étude auprès des jeunes Canadiens anglophones.

Dr. Boutouchent completed her doctoral work at the Université de Moncton (NB) where she was supervised by Dr. Rodrigue Landry and Dr. Réal Allard, professeurs émérites en éducation. The external examiner, Dr. Richard Clément, Director of the Official Language and Bilingualism Institute / Institut des langues officielles et du bilinguisme OLBI / ILOB, University of Ottawa / Université d’Ottawa outlined the excellent contribution of Fadila’s research to knowledge regarding bilingualism. Félicitations!

“We are so delighted to be able to celebrate this success with her!” ~ Dean Jennifer Tupper

Le Talk Bac, 4(5) June 2015

At the zoo, John and Grandpa saw three monkeys. The monkeys were doing biochemistry.

Third year students create mini-books
A visual and successful literary boom!
In the didactics of art education courses, Bac elementary education program preinternship students deployed a wealth of imagination to combine children’s literature and visual arts under the guidance of lecturer Prof. Lambert Anne Brochu. The Results: mini hand bound books showing great aesthetic qualities while playing the role of a multifaceted educational tool. These mini- books address curricular concepts such as the spreadsheet, storytelling, folk song or original texts like visiting the zoo, while rising to the challenge of making a synthesis of artistic concepts studied, keeping in mind the target audience of schoolchildren learning!

News : Research – Create – Community

Dr. Lace Marie Brogden received a $4,857 grant for her research project entitled “Beyond the Classroom: Career Paths of French language teachers in English-dominant environment.”

Dr. Laurie Carlson Berg received a grant of $2,000 for her publishing project: The Canadian Francophonie in all its Colors and the Challenge of Inclusive Education: Practical Approaches in the Classroom (Presses de l’ Université Laval).

Both grants were awarded by the Institut français’ Centre de recherche sur les francophonies en milieu minoritaire (CRFM) as part of its annual research grant competition.

Sperlich, T., & Brogden, L. M. (2015). Rural museum spaces as catalysts for collaborative research: Detours and possibilities. Journal of Museum Ethnography, 28, 70–84.


Note: We thank you for your interest in the Talk Bac. If you know of a colleague who might appreciate our publication, please e-share it or invite them to send us their email. Le Talk Bac will be back next September.

Le Talk Bac 4(4) April 2015 Celebrating Bursaries and Academic Achievements

Les étudiants du Bac sont gagnants! Lors de la cérémonie de remise des bourses, édition 2015, qui a eu lieu le 9 avril dernier lors du 5 à 7 de la fin de session à l’Institut français, cinq jeunes du Bac ont été nommés récipiendaires de bourses:

  • La bourse du Canadian Parents for French
    Danica Beaulac
    Tyler Henry
  • La bourse Bernard et Rita Wilhelm
    Deanna Patterson
  • La bourse Jennifer M Fudge
    Alexandra Mortensen
  • La bourse Laura et Paul Van Loon
    Katherine Flaman


Certificats pour le rendement académique 

Katherine Flaman, qui termine son année du préinternat, ainsi que Stephanie Montpetit et Alvine Ngaa Tchoua, qui complètent leur dernière année au Programme, ont toutes étés reconnues lors de la cérémonie de remise des Academic Achievement Certificates de la Faculté d’éducation. Le Bac tient à féliciter ces femmes de leurs belles réussites académiques!

Actualités: Recherche – Création – Communauté

Nous reconnaissons M. Devon Peters, étudiant du Bac, voie BA/BEd, qui a été élu, pour un deuxième mandat consécutif, Président du University of Regina Students’ Union au mois d’avril 2015.
Dre Lace Marie Brogden a été élue secrétaire-trésorière du Conseil exécutif de la Revue canadienne des langues vivantes lors de la réunion annuelle du RCLV/CMLR à Toronto le 25 mars dernier. Dre Brogden siège au sein du conseil depuis octobre 2013 à titre de représentante pour la région des Prairies, Territoires du Nord-Ouest et Nunavut.

Celebrating our students: Bursaries and academic achievements

Three of our recipients with Prof. Fadila Boutouchent , who represented the selection committee (R-L) Deanna Patterson , Katherine Flaman, and Alexandra Mortensen. All three just completed their pre-internship year.

Bac students are winners! During the awards ceremony, 2015 edition, which took place on April  9, at the French Institute , these five young Bac were named recipients of scholarships:

  • The bursary of Canadian Parents for French
    Danica Beaulac
    Tyler Henry
  • The bursary of Bernard and Rita Wilhelm
    Deanna Patterson
  • The bursary of  Jennifer M. Fudge
    Alexandra Mortensen
  • The bursary of Laura and Paul Van Loon
    Katherine Flaman


Certificates for academic performance

Recipients: Stephanie Montpetit , Katherine Flaman, and Alvine Ngaa Tchoua with Dr. Lace Marie Brogden Lace , Director of Bac, Prof. St. Claire Cry -Power and Dr. Valerie Mulholland

Katherine Flaman, who finished her pre-internship year, and Stephanie Montpetit and Alvine Ngaa Tchoua in their final year in the program, were recognized  at the Academic Achievement Certificates ceremony ceremony of the Faculty of Education. Many congratulations to these beautiful women of their academic achievements!

News : Research – Create – Community

We recognize Mr. Devon Peters, Bac  BA / BEd student, who was elected for a second consecutive term as President of University of Regina Students’ Union in April , 2015.

Dr. Lace Marie Brogden was elected secretary-treasurer of the Executive Council of the Canadian Modern Language Review at the annual meeting of CMLR / CMLR in Toronto on March 25 . Dr. Brogden seat on the board since October 2013 as the representative for the Prairies, Northwest Territories and Nunavut

Le Talk Bac 4(3) March 2015

Le Bac accueille l’auteure Martine Noël-Maw
Les étudiantes du cours de DFMM 435 accueilli l’auteure francophone Martine Noël- Maw. Ces dernières années, presque toutes les oeuvres littéraires de cette auteure ont été nominées pour le Prix du livre français des Saskatchewan Book Award. Les quatre finissantes du programme ont partagé leur invitée de marque avec leurs collègues du cours de DFMM 400. Ainsi, 25 étudiant.e.s ont eu beaucoup de plaisir à écouter l’auteure parler de sa façon d’écrire avec des élèves de la 5e à la 10e année des écoles fransaskoises et d’immersion française, des histoires telles que Les fantômes de Spiritwood, Le 13e souhait et Trois millions de Pas. Ces trois oeuvres ont d’ailleurs fait des heureux parmi les finissants du Bac grâce à un tirage au sort organisé par l’auteure à la fin de sa présentation. Pour Rachel, Martine était « une source d’inspiration pour faire aimer la lecture et les livres en français aux jeunes » et cette bientôt diplômée veut acheter la série pour ses propres enfants. Stéphanie se dit doublement chanceuse car, en tant qu’élève à Moose Jaw, elle avait eu l’occasion de travailler avec l’auteure. Gisèle était contente de rencontrer l’auteure qui parle de la vallée Qu’Appelle et du lac Wascana dans ses livres. La présentation a aussi inspiré Maïwenn, l’étudiante qui nous vient de Nantes, à vouloir en apprendre plus. L’auteure est ravie de ces expériences et reçoit désormais des invitations d’anciens finissants du Bac.

The Bac Program Hosts Author Martine Noël-Maw
Students from DFMM 435 hosted the French author Martine Noël-Maw. In recent years, almost all literary works by this author have been nominated for the French Saskatchewan Book Awards. Four graduates-to-be of the program shared their special guest with their colleagues from the DFMM 400 course. Thus, 25 students had a lot of fun listening to the author talk about his writing with students from Grade 5 to Grade 10 fransaskois and French immersion schools, stories such as The Ghosts of Spiritwood, The 13th Wish, and Not Three Million. These three works have also been presented to Bac students through a draw held by the author at the end of his presentation. For Rachel, Martine was “an inspiration for French youth to love reading and books” and this soon graduate wants to buy the series for his own children. Stephanie says she is doubly lucky, because as a student in Moose Jaw, she had the opportunity to work with the author. Gisele was glad to hear the author speak of the Qu’Appelle Valley and Lake Wascana in his books. The presentation also inspired Maïwenn, a student who comes from Nantes, to want to learn more. The author was delighted with these experiences and will now receive invitations from graduates of the Bac.

Nouvelles administratives du Bac

En raison d’un congé de maternité, nous avons l’agréable plaisir d’accueillir au sein de l’équipe Mme Florina Catusanu. Florina a reçu son Attestation d’études collégiales en Bilingual Office Administration du Cégep Heritage College à Gatineau (Québec). Mme Catusanu s’est jointe à l’équipe du Bac en mars 2015 et elle nous apporte son souci du détail, son sens de l’organisation en plus de son intégrité professionnelle.

Bac Administrative News

Due to a maternity leave, we have the real pleasure to welcome to the team Ms. Florina Catusanu. Florina received her Attestation of Collegial Studies in Bilingual Office Administration Cégep Heritage College in Gatineau (Quebec). Ms. Catusanu joined the Bac team in March 2015 and brings attention to detail and a sense of organization in addition to her professional integrity.

Actualités : Recherche – Création – Communauté

Dre Lace Marie Brogden a présenté la communication Social justice daily: Attending to the minutia of oppression dans le contexte du colloque Doing Autoethnography 2015 au Angelo State University au Texas.

News: Research-Create-Community

Dr. Lace Marie Brogden presented at paper on Social Justice: Attending to the Minutia of Oppression at the Doing Autoethnography 2015 conference at Angelo State University in Texas.

Bac Students at The Witness Blanket

Fourth year Baccalauréat en éducation students viewed The Witness Blanket, an exhibit created out of reclaimed items from residential schools, churches, government buildings, and traditional and cultural structures to give tribute to those who experienced residential schools, and to allow others to bear witness to the experiences of residential school survivors.

Carly Scherr, a student in the Bac program, responds to viewing this installation:

“Je me sens vraiment fière que l’Université de Regina a donné aux étudiantes et aux publiques l’occasion de voir cette œuvre si importante à notre identité canadienne, peu importe nos relations avec les écoles résidentielles.”

“I feel very proud that the the University of Regina provided its students and the public the opportunity to experience this work of art that is so important to our Canadian identity, no matter our relation to residential schools.”

le Talk Bac, 4(2) Feb. 2015

Les étudiants mettent la main à la pâte!
Dans le cadre d’une série d’expériences d’atelier du cours Didactique de l’éducation artistique, les étudiant.e.s inscrit.e.s à la voie élémentaire du Bac, année du préinternant, explorent la sculpture et la photographie avec enthousiasme.

L’exercice, dirigé par la chargée de cours Prof. Anne Brochu, consistait d’abord à créer un personnage fictif expressif et texturé -comme un extraterrestre – avec un matériau utilisé par des écoliers, soit la pâte à modeler! Ensuite les participants devaient imaginer que leur création partait découvrir le monde en touriste. Un prétexte pour employer différents arrière-plans afin d’approfondir les notions de composition en art visuel.

Une collaboration professionnelle par excellence

Depuis plus de cinq ans, le Bac bénéficie d’un partenariat mutuellement bénéfique avec Greater Saskatoon Catholic Schools (GSCS). Au tout début, il s’agissait d’un partenariat informel grâce à la collaboration professionnelle entre M. Al Boutin, surintendant et responsable des ressources humaines à GSCS et la responsable du cours DFMM 400, Fondements de l’immersion française, Dre Lace Marie Brogden. Suite à ces partages initiaux entre M. Boutin et des étudiant.e.s en fin de parcours, la collaboration a été étendue afin d’inclure des échanges entre le personnel de GSCS et les préinternes du Bac, ceux et celles qui se préparent à faire leur internat de 16 semaines dans une école saskatchewannaise. Cette année, M. Boutin est de nouveau venu s’adresser aux étudiants, accompagné d’un directeur d’une école d’immersion à GSCS, M. François Rivard, lui-même un ancien du Bac, et de Mme Whitney Éthier, diplômée du Bac de l’année 2014, qui enseigne maintenant à une école d’immersion de GSCS. L’échange avec les « bientôt diplomé.e.s » s’avère toujours intéressant, et les étudiant.e.s du Bac, qui se retrouveront bientôt dans leur propre salle de classe posent de nombreuses questions pertinentes, sinon pointues, au sujet de leur future profession. S’ajoute à cet échange, une deuxième session, cette fois-ci avec les préinternes du Bac qui sont, en début de la session d’hiver, en train d’envisager de quoi aura l’air leur stage intensif : l’internat. Pour ces préinternes, la présence de ces professionnels permet une réflexion au sujet de l’internat qui les attend à l’automne 2015. Le Programme du Bac est très reconnaissant des collaborations de ce genre qui ajoutent une autre dimension de complexité aux enjeux de la planification de carrière et l’insertion professionnelle.

In this issue…

  • Bac Preinterns Get Creative About Teaching Art
  • Collaboration with Greater Saskatoon Catholic Schools (GSCS)

Students get their hands in the dough!

As part of a series of didactic experiences during the arts education workshop, the students enrolled in preinternship term of their elementary education in the Bac program, explored sculpture and photography with enthusiasm.

The exercise, led by lecturer Prof. Anne Brochu, was first to create an expressive and textured fictional character – an alien – through a material used by school children – or play dough! Then participants were asked to imagine that their creation was going to discover the world as a tourist, an excuse to use different backgrounds to further compositional concepts in visual arts.

An excellent professional collaboration

For over five years, le Bac program has had a mutually beneficial partnership with Greater Saskatoon Catholic Schools (GSCS). At first, it was an informal partnership with professional collaboration between Al Boutin, Superintendent and Head of Human Resources at GSCS and professor of the DFMM 400, Foundations of French Immersion course, Dr. Lace Marie Brogden. The collaboration has been extended to include staff exchanges between GSCS and preinterns of the Bac program, those who are preparing to make their 16-week internship in Saskatchewan’s school. This year, Mr. Boutin is going to address students, accompanied by a director of an immersion school at GSCS, François Rivard, himself a former Bac, and Ms. Whitney Ethier, a graduate of the 2014 Bac program, who now teaches at an immersion school in GSCS. The exchange with the “soon Grad” is always interesting and raises many relevant, if not pointed issues, about their future profession for the Bac students, who will soon find themselves in their own classrooms. Added to this exchange, is a second session, this time with preinterns of the Bac who are at the beginning of their preinternship winter session, trying to consider what their intensive internship will look like. For these preinterns, the presence of these professionals allows reflection on the what awaits them in the fall of 2015. The Bac program is very grateful for such collaborations that add another dimension of complexity to the challenges of career planning and professional integration.