Month: April 2016

Students Attend Internship Orientation

There was an atmosphere of excitement and anticipation as students who have completed their 3-week pre-internship block congregated to attend an Internship Orientation this morning in the Education Auditorium.

In the late summer and fall,  students will also participate in Internship Seminars where they will meet the teachers with whom they will be working. The interns will then be going out into schools for their fall 2016 semester.

Through their classes, students have been preparing and planning units for their teaching practicums, (and some of their summer will also be used for preparation). In their internship, they will be teaching entire units to students in schools and engaging with the realities and busyness of teacher life.

Student Success Celebrated

Dean Jennifer Tupper greeting students and recognizing their success. Photo credits: Shuana Niessen

On April 6, the Faculty of Education, SUNTEP and YNTEP gathered to celebrate student success. This year was different than previous years: The coordinators from the Student Program Centre, Dr. Val Mulholland, Nicole Glas, and Wendy Campbell, invited faculty from SUNTEP, YNTEP, and the various Faculty of Education programs and student societies to forward a list of students who have made contributions to learning and to leadership in the Faculty of Education through scholarship, activism, and engagement in coursework. In previous years, academic excellence was the only success that was celebrated. There were 166 students honoured at the celebration and their names were scrolled individually across the screen throughout the event.

Dr. Jennifer Tupper, Dr. Val Mulholland, and Dr. Michael Cappello  highlighted and honoured not only the students’ achievements in their classes, but also in their field placements, and in the community.

After welcoming the students and their families, Dr. Val Mulholland said, “You have been recognized by faculty members or program for having made a significant contribution to teaching, learning and/or leadership in the classes, in field placements or beyond classroom walls.”

Dean Jennifer Tupper said, “This celebration is more than recognizing academic excellence, which we value. It is recognition of our students taking seriously their call to teach for a better world, to inspire and transform education – which many of you may know is the motto of this faculty.”

And after listing some of the amazing initiatives with which students have been involved, such as the STARS Regina’s #TreatyEdCamp, and other sessions working towards social justice;  the Science Education students’ work with Treaty 4 schools; and the ESS’s PD opportunities, Dean Tupper said, “What I am struck by in my conversations with our teacher candidates is their passion for teaching and learning in the midst of the many challenges schools and teachers are facing.  I am struck by their commitment to social justice, and their desire to create meaningful and transformative learning experiences for young people in schools.  They are thoughtful, compassionate and courageous.”

Dr. Michael Cappello spoke about the students’ exceptional contributions which are helping to shape the field of education even before entering it as teachers.

Also unique to this celebration was the Skype connection with YNTEP students and faculty who are located in Whitehorse, Yukon. Through this connection, Faculty of Education and SUNTEP members were able to participate in the YNTEP celebration, and YNTEP students participated in the Regina celebration. Dr. Andrew Richardson, Dean of Applied Arts for Yukon College, spoke on behalf of YNTEP, recognizing the following YNTEP students:

Candice Cockney
Judy Leamon
Meghann Meadowcroft
Dwight Snowshoe

Photo Album:
2016 Student Success Celebration

The following is the list of Faculty of Education and SUNTEP students celebrated:

Amelia Andrews
Riley Arseneau
Nicki Bannerman
Gareth Bawden
Laura Beatch
Raquel Bellefleur
Mackenzie Bellegarde
Madison Biem
Curtis Bourassa
Orisha Boychuk
Bailey Braden
Jenny Brouwers
Miranda Brown
Miranda Button
Amy Campbell
Aimee Castillo
Matthew Chamberlain
Jennifer Chyz (Hackl)
Joseph Clark
Sarah Clarke
Candice Cockney
Petina Cook
Amanda Corbett
Celine Couture
Rachel Cronan
Kari Davis
Brandon Debert
Jenna DeBoth
Samantha Dech
Arnaud Demaria
Megan Dobson
Allison Doetzel
Jacquelyn Easton
Courtney Einsiedler
Jordan Ethier
Amanda Filipchuk
Chad Fisher
Steven Fraser
Taylor Frei
Lila Gaertner
Sally Generoux
Sheena Gigian
Graham Gilmore
Caitlin Grant
Isabelle Grégoire
Jessie Guraliuck
Christine Hall
Cassandra Hanley
Tara Hanson
Taylor Harder
Kylie Harder
Amanda Harle
Emma Harold
Allyson Haukeness
Madison Hawkes
Chandra Hawley
Laura Heinmiller
Kayla Henderson
Cassandra Hepworth
Jessica Hickie
April Hoffman
Victoria Howe
Hanna Hudson-Plante
Benjamin Ironstand
Rebecca Jalbert
Douglas Jarvis
Jarrod Jobb
Tammy Kadler
Nicole Keller
Christina Kelly
Amy Klassen (Thiessen)
Kristen Klatt
Landen Kleisinger
Amanda Koback
Brooke Korchinski
Shae-Lynn Kowaniuk
Jasmine Kuntz
Riley Lajeunesse
Brittany Larson
Judy-Ann Leamon
Amber Learned Garritty
Keith Lee
Kendra Leier
Janelle Letkemann
Matthew Leupold
Gillian Maher
Amy Martin
Daisy Martinez
Roxan McAtee
Aidan McKeague
Linda McNabb
Brigid McNutt
Meghann Meadowcroft
Christopher Merk
Matthew Mickleborough
Jesse Miller
Lexi Milligan
Amy Missal
Cameron Mohan
Renee Molesky
Alexandra Mortensen
Sarah Munro
Monica Nawakayas
Robert Neufeld
Cole Nicolson
Crystal Norris
Haleigh Oberkirsch
Emma Olson
Brooklyn Orban
Lexy Osborne
Fred O’Soup
Eriko Parker
Megan Pearce
Emily Perreault
Josie Phillips
Jaylyn Pierce
Alexis Poh
Marissa Poitras
Kendell Porter
Jessica Pouliot
Breanne Prazma
Mackenzie Raedeke
Amie Reid
Holly Robinson
Brooke Robson
Sarah Rohde
Kaitlyn Rohrke
Jolene Ross
Aidan Roy
Avery Saunders
Michael Schienbein
Garrick Schmidt
Rina Schmidt
Jason Shamel
Nissa Shiell
Bradley Slepicka
Charis Slusar
Tracy Smotra
Dwight Snowshoe
Shania Sonen
Connie Starblanket
Jacob Stebner
Kelsie Sutherland
Jessica Swartz
Zakk Taylor
Christina Thiel
Bryn Todd
Catlyn Todorovich
Caitlin Toews
Jayda Van Betuw
Dacy Vance
Willow Wallace-Lewis
Trisha Wallington
Robert Webb
Katlyn Weisberg
Raelyn Weisgerber
Crystal Whitehawk
William Whitten
Cameron Wiest
Dana Wilbraham
Benjamin Woolhead
Conor Woolley
Aysha Yaqoob
Cassidy Zacharias
Ziyao Zhu
Michael Zylak

Baby Moccasin Workshop

Joely Bigeagle Baby Moccasin Workshop Facilitator

Joely Bigeagle facilitated a baby moccasin workshop on April 5th, 2016 in the Faculty of Education from 10:00 am to 4:00 pm. In the morning session she instructed  on how to make the moccasins and in the afternoon session Joely taught how to bead the moccasins. This event was organized by UR Indigenization Lead and faculty member, Dr. Shauneen Pete.

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Saskatchewan – Jilin Scholarship

Saskatchewan – Jilin Scholarship 2016/2017

Building on the success of our International Faculty Mobility Program we are pleased to announce the opening for applications for the 2016/2017 cycle of the Saskatchewan – Jilin Scholarship.

The Saskatchewan – Jilin Scholarship was established between the Government of Saskatchewan (Canada) and the People’s Government of Jilin Province (China) to forge stronger relations through collaboration and information sharing on research and development and to facilitate joint educational exchange and cooperation.

The Saskatchewan – Jilin Scholarship should be utilized in accordance with the Saskatchewan Ministry of Advanced Education’s Plan for Growth (in ways deemed appropriate), with the following objectives as priority:

I. Profile Saskatchewan and Saskatchewan’s education advantage
II. Increase research collaboration
III. Increase the study of Chinese language and culture by Saskatchewan students
IV. Encourage more Saskatchewan students to obtain overseas experience in China

We currently have 4 scholarships available at $2,500 each. These scholarships are specifically designated to support faculty members with their international activities and strategies, within the bounds of the Ministry’s Plan for Growth.

The application deadline is April 15, 2016 and successful candidates will be notified by April 30, 2016.

I would appreciate you circulating this announcement to your faculty members and encouraging them to apply for the scholarship and to contact our office to ensure that faculty members receive the support to carry out their faculty mobility initiatives to completion.

The online application information form is available at the following link:

For more information, please contact Mr. Werner Beylefeld at College West 128 or by e-mail at or by telephone at (306) 337-2912.

Thank you,

Ms. Martha Mathurin
Manager, UR International Study Abroad

Megan Pearce Honoured by her Team with Dedication Award

Megan Pearce with 2016 Dedication Award. Photo Courtesy of Megan Pearce.

Fifth-year Arts Education student, Megan Pearce was honoured by her dance team with the 2016 Dedication Award. The Dedication Award is awarded to someone who has contributed their time and efforts as a committed team player and goes above and beyond what is expected of them.

Quote from the Award Banquet: “The Dedication Award is awarded to a dancer who has contributed their time and effort to the team and goes above and beyond her duties. This year our team … had coach athletes. Our coaches dedicated a lot of their time to make sure this team had a successful year! One of our coach athletes has been dedicated to the team for 4 years now. We love having her as a coach and an athlete and wanted to recognize her for all she has done for the team. The Dedication Award this year goes to Megan Pearce!”

Megan majors in Dance and minors in Elementary Literature. She is also working towards a Bachelor of Dance degree. This is Megan’s fourth year on the University of Regina Dance Team.

The U of R Dance team is distinct from the U of R Cheer team, though they both cheer and perform at the Ram’s and Cougar’s games. The Dance Team focuses on contemporary and jazz routines, and performs at sporting events and varsity dance competitions across Canada.

Megan says, “This year, we traveled to Toronto to compete at Strive Dance Challenge where our contemporary and jazz routines placed fourth.”  The team also performed at local cheer and dance competitions, such as the Ice Breaker Cheer and Dance Championships and the University of Regina Cheerleading Championships.

“I have enjoyed each season with the U of R Dance Team as I am able to continue and share my passion of dance while attending University. The Dance Team has also provided me with many opportunities to travel, compete, and improve my dancing individually and as part of a group. I have made lifelong friendships and enjoy being  a part of a supportive team,” says Megan.

You can read more about the U o R Dance Team by following the team’s social media pages:

Instagram: @uofrdance
Twitter: @uofrdance



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Resistance and Reconciliation Fishbowl Panel Discussion

This afternoon, STARS Regina (Student Teacher Anti-Racist/Anti-Oppression Society) is hosting a Fishbowl style panel presentation/discussion with Special Guests Life Speaker Noel Starblanket, Dr. Shauneen Pete, Dr. Michael Cappello, Dr. Tana Mitchell, and Tamara Ryba. The group is discussing resistance in relation with and connection to reconciliation. The event is being held in the Teaching Preparation Centre (Ed 228) from 1:00 – 3:00 p.m. and is open to everyone. Participants will receive a PD certificate.