The Education News Blog

The Faculty of Education, University of Regina.

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Le Talk Bac 5(2) October 2015

September 28 was a day to celebrate the importance of learning languages ​​and the Bac program was present! At the annual Congress of the Association of Teachers of French in...

Dr. Sean Lessard is Recipient of CEA Pat Clifford Award

Congratulations to Dr. Sean Lessard, the recipient of the Canadian Education Association Pat Clifford Award for Early Career Research. Dean Tupper says, “This is a significant honour and Sean is...

Preinternship Treaty Education

Today and tomorrow, third year Elementary and Arts Education preinterns and SUNTEP students are engaged with treaty education facilitated by the Office of the Treaty Commissioner (OTC) and four Elders...

Students Participate in the Annual Glen Anaquod Tipi Raising Competition

Two Faculty of Education teams (the UR STARS–Student Teachers Anti-Racist/Anti-Oppressive Society–and the Middle Years students) participated in the Annual Glen Anaquod Memorial Tipi Raising Competition in September. The Middle Years...

Nehiyaw (Cree) Pipe Ceremony

There will be a pipe ceremony Monday Monday, Oct. 5, 2015 at 10:00 a.m. in the Teaching Preparation Centre, ED 228, Education Building, University of Regina for the commencement of...

Joseph Naytowhow Returning as Emerging Elder-in-Residence

We are excited to welcome Joseph Naytowhow back to campus as our emerging Elder-in-Residence. There will be a Welcoming Ceremony Wednesday, September 16 Teaching Preparation Centre (Ed 228) Faculty of...

Education Student Society Hosting Free Pancake Breakfast

Start your day with a Pancake Breakfast in the Ed Lounge from 8:30-10:30 on Wednesday and Thursday! See the full ESS schedule of events planned for Welcome Week at

Fall Faculty Seminar~Welcoming Back Staff and Faculty

The faculty and staff came together for their annual fall seminar. This year the focus was on wellness and working together in teams. After coffee and muffins, the day began...