The Faculty of Education, University of Regina.
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Theory and Method Seminar ~ Video October 12, 2016
Theory and Method Seminar ~ Video October 12, 2016 Dr. JoLee Sasakamoose | Indigenous Cultural Responsivity Theory...
High School Students Take First Year Education Course
For the first time, one of our Faculty of Education courses is being offered with a unique integrated high school course at Campus Regina Public School. Dr. Twyla Salm is...
#TreatyEdCamp 2.0: Bigger and Better
An astounding number of preservice and in-service educators (over 300!) gathered together on Saturday, October 1 to take advantage of a great opportunity: to learn about treaty education at #TreatyEdCamp 2.0...
Inaugural UR Educators Event for New Students
An inaugural UR Educators Event was held on September 29, 2016 to officially welcome new Education students to the teacher profession. New students heard inspirational talks from Dean Jennifer Tupper, University of Regina...
UR S.T.A.R.S. and Faculty Involved with Treaty 4 Youth Conference
In April/May 2016, the Regina Public Schools Treaty 4 Project organized a Treaty 4 Youth Conference. Some of our faculty and our UR S.T.A.R.S. students were involved in facilitating the sessions...
Pre-Intern Arts Ed PLACE Experience
On September 15, pre-intern Arts Ed students met with Grade 8 Bert Fox Community High School students at Fort Qu’Appelle for the 30th Annual Treaty Four Gathering. There the Arts Ed...
The Faculty Welcomes Our Elders-in-Residence
Noel Starblanket and Alma Poitras have agreed to serve as our Elders-in-Residence for the current academic year. Noel will be with us from September 15, 2016 to April 15, 2017...