The Faculty of Education, University of Regina.
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SUNTEP First to Offer Michif 100 Language Course
A Michif 100 language course is now being offered to Saskatchewan Urban Native Teacher Education Program (SUNTEP) Regina students. SUNTEP Regina Coordinator Janice Thompson says, “What makes our program unique...
Gender and Sexual Diversity Ed Camp 2017
On March 4, 2017, the Faculty of Education’s UR STARS, along with UR Pride Centre and Camp fYrefly, hosted the first Gender and Sexual Diversity Ed Camp (#GSDcamp on Twitter)...
Alumna Posing by Class of ’88 Photo
Jacqueline Hagel, Class of ’88, was back on campus for the Gender and Sexual Diversity Camp #gsdcamp, held on March 4, 2017. Jacqueline is now a instructional consultant with the...
2016 Phi Delta Kappa Doctoral Dissertation Award
Congratulations to Dr. Christine Massing, who has been awarded the Phi Delta Kappa Doctoral (PDK) Dissertation Award for 2016. This is a $1000 award scholarship from the University of Alberta...
Alanis King Speaks to Education Reading Students
Alanis King, an Odawa playwright, director and educator originally from the Wikwemikong Unceded Indian Reserve, was a special speaker for Dr. Anna-Leah King’s Reading Education class. Alanis (sister to Anna-Leah)...
New Appointment for Inclusive Education
The Faculty of Education is pleased to announce that on July 1st, we will be welcoming Ian Matheson to our Faculty. Ian is currently completing his PhD from the Faculty...
Photo Journalist Daniella Zalcman Visits Faculty
Photo Journalist Daniella Zalcman, author of Signs of Your Identity, spoke at noon today about her project in which Saskatchewan Indian residential school survivors are shown through multiple exposure portraits...