October 25-31, 2021 is the 14th annual Open Access Week, a global, community-driven week of action to open up access to research. The University of Regina Library is taking this opportunity to share some of our work to expand your access to our University’s research.
Today’s highlighted service is: oURspace Mediated Deposit Service

oURspace is the University of Regina’s Institutional Repository, an open access repository for the documentation of the scholarly, creative, and cultural contexts of the University of Regina.
The Library has launched a new service to assist you in determining your copyrights and depositing your born digital or digitized publications into oURspace. Depositing your scholarly work in oURspace makes it accessible to a wider audience, and is one way that grant holders can comply with the Tri-Agency Open Access Policy on Publications.
Use this form to start the process of depositing your publications: https://uregina.libwizard.com/f/MediatedDepositForm or contact ourspace.deposit@uregina.ca for more information.