The Faculty of Education, University of Regina.
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Spotlight on Katherine Williams – seconded lecturer, le Bac program
Aujourd’hui, nous mettons en lumière Katherine Williams. Elle est enseignante en prêt de service dans le programme du Bac. Katherine pense que les étudiants devraient envisager le programme de formation...
Successful defense – Dr. Jennifer MacDonald
Congratulations to Dr. Jennifer MacDonald on a successful defense of her dissertation “Wayfinding for the Continuation of Life: A Curriculum Inquiry to Enrich Experiences and Renew Relations in Outdoor Education.”...
Retirement – Patrick Lewis
Happy Retirement to Dr. Patrick Lewis who retired at the end of June 2022. Dr. Lewis has served in the Faculty of Education in the Early childhood education since 2004...
CERCD research funding – July 2022
General Research Fund: Audrey Aamodt Curating hopeful responses to climate trauma JoLee Sasakamoose Incorporating the Nato’ we ho win (healing through culture) Recovery Model to reduce overdoses and harms among...
Retirement – Jean Dufresne
Happy Retirement to Jean Dufresne who retired at the end of June 2022. Jean has served in the Faculty of Education and the le Bac program since his secondment from...
New faculty – Minority language education (Francophone & immersion schools)
Mr. Stephen Davis accepted the full-time, tenure-track position in Minority Language Education (Francophone & Immersion Schools) (July 1, 2022). Mr. Davis will be nearing completion of his Ph.D. at the...
New faculty – Queer studies in education
Dr. j wallace skelton accepted the full-time, tenure-track position in Queer Studies in Education (July 1, 2022). Dr. skelton holds a Ph.D. and Master’s of Education from the University of...
New faculty – Physical education and outdoor/land-based education
Ms. Jennifer MacDonald accepted the full-time, tenure-track position in Physical Education and Outdoor/Land-Based Education (July 1, 2022). Ms. MacDonald is nearing completion of her Ph.D. at the University of Calgary...
Convocation prize recipients
SASKATCHEWAN TEACHERS’ FEDERATION PRIZE At each University of Regina Convocation ceremony, the Saskatchewan Teacher’s Federation (STF) awards a prize to the most distinguished student of the graduating class in the...
Award-winning master’s student researches immigrant mothers’ experience of their children’s language loss
Willow Iorga (MEd’22) was recently awarded one of two Spring 2022 Associate Dean’s Graduate Student Thesis Awards. Willow is currently an Employment Instructor (just promoted to Team Lead of Work...