The Faculty of Education, University of Regina.
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Fall 2018 Admission on the Spot events
Thinking about becoming a teacher? Applying just got a lot easier! Attend an Admission on the Spot event near you. ADMISSION ON THE SPOT EVENTS The Faculty of Education, University...
Grad student presents at the 2018 Saskatchewan SPCA Conference
On September 18, grad student Kelsey Moore presented at the Caring for Those Who Care:The 2018 Saskatchewan SPCA Conference in Saskatoon...
Study to become a teacher! Apply online today
Apply today!
Students attend Treaty 4 Gathering
More student tweets (Twitter) Reflecting about my time on the land this past week. From learning the #truth about where all the buffalo went, to forming new relationships!! @T4Gathering @URFacofEd...
Welcome back Education graduate students
On Thursday, September 13, Education graduate students attended a Welcome Back event, organized and hosted by the Office of Research and Graduate Programs in Education. Associate Dean, Dr. Twyla Salm...
New Appointment to Centre for Teaching and Learning
“I’ve always thought of the Centre as a hub of exchange for the enhancement and enrichment of our own capacities.” Dr. Kathryn Ricketts has been appointed as Coordinator of the Centre...
International Literacy Day discussion
It’s International Literacy Day on September 8! Join Dr. Jerome Cranston, our new Dean, as he discusses literacy and skills development with Regina Public Library Director, Jeff Barber. Hosted by...