The Education News Blog

The Faculty of Education, University of Regina.

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Grad student recipient of Governor General’s Academic Gold Medal

Congratulations to Dr. Joanne Weber, recipient of the Spring 2019 Governor General’s Academic Gold Medal for outstanding academic achievement by a graduate student. Weber is receiving a Doctor of Philosophy...

Critical relationality key to international collaboration

Dr. Fatima Pirbhai-Illich (University of Regina) and Dr. Fran Martin (University of Exeter) speak candidly about how working collaboratively across multiple differences, including interculturality, spirituality, disciplinary, and personality differences, though...

Wondering how to say “nanâtawihowikamik?”

Have you been wondering about the meaning and pronunciation of the Cree word “nanâtawihowikamik” when referring to the Faculty of Education’s Nanâtawihowikamik Healing Lodge and Wellness Clinic? This video will...

Faculty member recipient of the Jack MacKenzie Career Service Award

Dr. Nick Forsberg, Professor of Health, Outdoor, Physical Education (HOPE), was the inaugural recipient of the Jack MacKenzie Career Service award, which was presented at the Saskatchewan Physical Education Association...

Convocation Spring 2019

Join us June 5 for the University of Regina’s 45th Spring Convocation where we’ll celebrate the achievements of undergraduate and graduate Education students as well as student graduation award recipients...

10th Anniversary call to special issue

IN EDUCATION, an academic journal housed in the Faculty of Education, University of Regina, is celebrating the 10th anniversary of its online, open access iteration with a special issue call:...

How one internationally educated teacher became a teacher in Canada

Anna Lucero was a teacher in the Philippines for 15 years before moving to Canada. After taking three University of Regina courses, and her TESOL language test, she was eligible...

Saskatchewan Book Awards – Publishing in Education Award

Dissident Knowledge in Higher Education co-edited by Marc Spooner and James McNinch won the award for Publishing in Education at the Saskatchewan Book Awards April 27, 2019...

Poetry workshop with Rita Bouvier

As part of the Indigenous Speaker Series organized by Dr. Anna-Leah King, we enjoyed an inspirational poetry workshop with poet Rita Bouvier : Words and Beads: Lines and Silk Threads...

Bereavement Notice | Life Speaker Noel Starblanket

On April 15, we were given the sad news of the passing of Life Speaker Noel Starblanket who enriched our lives with his wisdom and patience, teaching faculty and students...