Category: Events


The Faculty extends farewell and best wishes to Dr. Jennifer Tupper (Dean) and Dr. Ken Montgomery (Associate Dean, Research and Graduate Studies), who will be moving on to new Dean positions at the University of Alberta and the University of Windsor, respectively.

Farewell and best wishes to Dr. Paul Hart and Dr. Marilyn Miller who are entering their retirements after many years of service to the University of Regina.


We wish them all the best as they embark on the next exciting chapter of their lives, and we express gratitude to each of them for their years of service to the Faculty: their research, scholarship, participation in collegial governance along with their commitment to teaching, and their work with students, all of which exemplifies the University motto “As one who serves.”

Student Success Celebrated

2017 Student Success Celebration

Student Success Celebration Photos (to view slide cursor over the photo and click on the arrow)

The Faculty of Education, along with partners SUNTEP Regina and YNTEP (via Skype), gathered to celebrate student success on March 7, 2017. The organizing committee from the Student Program Centre, Dr. Val Mulholland and Wanneta Martin, invited faculty from SUNTEP, YNTEP, and the Faculty of Education program chairs and student societies to forward names of students who have made contributions to learning and to leadership in the Faculty of Education through scholarship, activism, and engagement in coursework.

Dean Jennifer Tupper brought greetings, reminding students that their successes reflect the motto of our faculty: Inspiring and Transforming Education.

SUNTEP Regina’s new Michif 100 course was celebrated at the event. Coordinator Janice Thompson spoke to the uniqueness of the SUNTEP Regina program, being the first post-secondary institution to offer such a course.

The new Arts Education program exhibited a commemorative piece by artist and second-year student Molly Johnson.

Students listed below were recognized by faculty members or student societies for having made a significant contribution to teaching, learning and/or leadership in their classes, field placements, or in the community.:

Michela Adlem
Karie Aikman
Regina Akok
Leanne Allen-Bader
Bailey Antonishyn
Amy Arnal
Nicole Aulie
Molly Basnicki
Kimberley Bateman
Jessica Bec
Haylie Bedore
Raquel Bellefleur
Mari-Anne Berriault
Brandon Bezanson
Robert Blenkin
Melayne Borys
Mélissa Bouffard
Curtis Bourassa
Orisha Boychuk
Karlee Brennan
Dori-Lyn Brezinski
Abby Bristow
Taryn Buhler
Sarah Burns
Amy Campbell
Melaynie Campbell
Jolene Campbell
Stefanie Cook
Petina Cook
Kaitlin Corbin
Rose Couture
Shannon Cranch
Annamarie Cressman
Chelsea Croft
Rachel Davis
Samantha Dech
Arnaud Demaria
Diana Demaria
Jillian Dempsey
Austin Denham
Allison Doetzel
Jaicee Draper
Catherine Duffy
Josée Dumont
Robyn Dyck
Jacquelyn Easton
Courtney Einsiedler
Allison Entem
Emily Eskowich
Jordan Ethier
Jaiden Evans
Martin Farrow
Alexandra Fenson
Elise Fettes
Kara Fidelack
Kyla Fidelack
Payden Fraser
Taylor Frei
Dawn Ganshirt
Alicia Garlock
Sally Generoux
Lolery George
Nicole Gerbert
Spencer Giffin
Hillary Gladish
Chloe Golden
Erin Goodpipe
Ashley Grandfield
Todd Greenwood
Brittany Haidt
Jenna Hansen
Tara Hanson
Taylor Harder
Kylie Harder
Allyson Haukeness
Madison Hawkes
Laura Heinmiller
Kayla Henderson
Colin Hickman
Robyn Hilderbrand
Sarah Hoag
April Hoffman
Andrea Hoffman
Courtney Horsman
Victoria Howe
Kaila Huber
Rachel Hussey
Melanie Ilnisky
Benjamin Ironstand
Rachelle Ismond
Celeste Jensen
Venus Kay
Amy Kapeller
Shayla Kapila
Chelsea Driedger
Kalen Kehrig
Beth Kelln
Kourtney Kerelation
Hojeong Kim
Sarah Kirschman
Samantha Kitzul
Amy Klassen
Kristen Klatt
Landen Kleisinger
Shaelyn Knudson
Shaunee Kobialko
David Korchinski
Jasmine Korpan
Brennan Kowalski
Vanessa Kushniruk
Payton Kuster
Rachelle Lamontagne
Brittany Larson
Kendra Leier
Janelle Letkemann
Sharon Lewis
Aleesha Lichtman
Amanda Livingstone
Latasha Luchsinger
Hanna Macaulaly
Tianna Macdonald
Stephanie Maier
Marie Louise Malick
Daylia Martin
Amy Martin
Melissa McCormick
Matthew McKee
Laine McLaren
Liard McMillan
Brigid McNutt
Miranda McPhee
Christopher Merk
Jaylee Michel
Matthew Mickleborough
Renee Molesky
Amanda Moosemay
Harper Morland
Brenna Morris
Renee Muir
Craig Munroe
Kayley Murdoch
Noelle Nestman
Jenna Neufeld
Cole Nicolson
Crystal Norris
Christina Oberlin
Daniel Odendaal
Lexy Osborne
Brandi Ottenbreit
Barbara Owens
Julia Papic
Deanna Patterson
Danielle Pelletier
Leta Perepeluk
Josie Phillips
Jasmine Phillips
Katelyn Pippus
Sarah Pitman
Cassandra Poirier
Sébastien Potvin
Jessica Pouliot
Mackenzie Raedeke
Elio Ramirez
Sarah Redmond
Eve Reed
Jessica Reid
Sara Reimer
Julie Rempel
Zachary Renwick
Ellen Revet
Holly Robinson
Brooke Robson
Kaitlyn Rohrke
Sarah Ross
Jolene Ross
Jenna Rudolph
Sara Salazar
Avery Saunders
Teagan Schiltz
Rina Schmidt
Karley Schwab
Carmelle Seiferling
Kirsten Selinger
Zachary Sellers
Madisson Shearer
Nissa Shiell
Bailie Shindle
Paddra Shing
Laura Simpson
Gillian Smith
Valerie Snider
Karae Sotropa
Alexandra Specht
Jacob Stebner
Peter Steele
Melissa Stephens
Daniel St-Jacques
Paula Stoker
Shelby Stratechuk
Kelsie Sutherland
Michelle Sweeting
Christina Thiel
Debra Townend-Callaghan
Leigh Tremblay
Rhandi Turton
Jessamy Unger
Jayda Van Betuw
David Vanderberg
Leanne Varley
Bryce Voogd
Tiana Waldbauer
Trisha Wallington
Kristen Wallington
Kayla Ward
Timothy Wasyliw
Jessica Weber
Katlyn Weisberg
Raelyn Weisgerber
Corina Wesdyk
Kaitlin Wesnoski
William Whitten
Lacey Wicks
Cameron Wiest
Dana Wilbraham
Tanya Wilkins
Jillana Willford
Benjamin Woolhead

Bac Students Enjoy French Poetry Night

Les étudiants du programme du Bac (DLNG 315) ont organisé et participé à une Soirée de Poésie le 7 décembre, 2016 à La Cite Universitaire Francophone. Chaque étudiant ou étudiante a lu un poème ou un texte en français devant les spectateurs. La salle était remplie d’émotion et de joie lorsqu’on a pris le temps de partager et d’apprécier la beauté des mots et la richesse de la poésie.

Third year students in the French Bac Programme (DLNG 315) organised and participated in a Soirée de Poésie (poetry night) as a part of their language and literacy course in elementary teaching. The event took place on December 7th, 2016 at La Cité Universitaire Francophone. Each student selected or composed a poem to read and perform during the event. The room filled with emotion and joy as we listened and shared the beauty and richness of words and poetry en français.

To see gallery, slide cursor over the first photo and click on the arrow to go to the next photo.

Bac Students (DLNG 315)

Submitted by Heather Phipps

Voices From the Engraver: A Travelling Exhibition

Voices from the Engraver: A Travelling Exhibition
Hosted by La Cité universitaire francophone and produced by the Canadian Museum of History and the Bank of Canada Museum

La Cité universitaire francophone with the contribution of Faculty of Education is hosting a travelling exhibition from the Bank of Canada Museum: Voices from the Engraver. The exhibition will be open to the public from Monday, December 12, 2016 until Wednesday, January 25, 2017 in the Rotunda of the Language Institute Building at the University of Regina.

Did you know that Bank of Canada banknotes were bilingual (English-French) long before the introduction of the Official Languages Act? Did you know that you’re paying for your meal with true works of art?

Come discover this exhibition to learn more about these fascinating subjects. You’ll discover the creative process, technical expertise and artistic genius behind each series of Canadian postage stamps and banknotes, from design to issue. You’ll also discover how the illustrations on banknotes can lead to a better understanding of linguistic minority situations and celebrate Canada’s Francophone, Anglophone and First Nations cultures.

This exhibit is aimed at children, students, and adults. The works of art will surely be of interest to scholars across all disciplines. Numerous interactive activities and game contests will make your visit even more enjoyable! Please note that I will be presenting my way of using bank notes iconography at 3:00 pm, on Monday December 12, 2016 at the Rotunda. Everyone is welcome.

Exposition itinérante La gravure : un art à découvrir
présentée par La Cité universitaire francophone,
produite par le Musée canadien de l’histoire et le Musée de la banque du Canada.

La Cité universitaire francophone en partenariat avec Faculty of Education accueille une exposition itinérante du Musée de la Banque du Canada : La gravure : un art à découvrir. L’exposition sera ouverte au public du lundi 12 décembre 2016 au mercredi 25 janvier 2017*, à la Rotonde du Language Institute Building de l’Université de Regina.

Savez-vous que les billets de la Banque du Canada étaient bilingues (anglais-français) bien avant la mise en place de la Loi sur les langues officielles ? Savez-vous que vous payez votre repas avec de véritables œuvres d’art?

Venez découvrir cette exposition pour en apprendre davantage sur ces sujets fascinants. Vous découvrirez le processus créatif, le savoir-faire technique et le génie artistique à l’origine de chaque série de timbres et de billets de banque canadiens, depuis la conception jusqu’à l’émission. Vous découvrirez également comment les illustrations des billets de banque peuvent aider à mieux comprendre la situation linguistique minoritaire et célébrer les cultures francophones, anglophones et autochtones du Canada.

Cette exposition s’adresse aux enfants, étudiants et adultes. Ces pièces d’art peuvent intéresser les professeurs quelque soit le domaine d’expertise. De nombreuses activités interactives ainsi que des jeux-concours rendront votre visite des plus enrichissantes !

Prière de noter que je vais présenter ma façon d’utiliser l’iconographie des billets de la banque du Canada lundi 12 décembre 2016, à 3 :00 pm, à la Rotonde. Vous êtes tous et toutes les bienvenus d’y assister.

Inaugural UR Educators Event for New Students

An inaugural UR Educators Event was held on September 29, 2016 to officially welcome new Education students to the teacher profession. New students heard inspirational talks from Dean Jennifer Tupper, University of Regina President and Vice-Chancellor Vianne Timmons, Saskatchewan Teachers’ Federation Senior Staff Administrator Rob Lehne, and Regina Public Schools Deputy Director Mike Walters. The  speakers deliberated on all that one can become as a teacher, the difference one can make as a teacher, and the responsibility one has as a teacher and role model for youth. New students received a professional pin and pledge card from Dean Jennifer Tupper and Associate Dean of Student Services and Undergraduate Programs Valerie Mulholland. The students then signed the poster to signify their willingness to take on all that the teaching profession entails. The poster will be framed and exhibited near the Student Program Centre. After a group photo, the participants read aloud from their pledge cards and then enjoyed some refreshments.img_0671

The organizing committee: Dean Jennifer Tupper, Associate Dean Valerie Mulholland, Student Program Centre Manager Nicole Glas, Communications Officer/Publications Manager, Shuana Niessen and Associate Dean’s Assistant Wanneta Martin, who as a new hire came late to the organizing committee, but in the words of the Associate Dean, “hit the ground running, making significant behind-the-scenes contributions to the event.”

(Below is a photo gallery of the event. Slide your cursor over the photo and click on the arrow to see the next photo.)

UR Educators 2016

UR Educators Pin:
