Category: Events

Student Program Centre Hosts a Meet and Greet

IMG_5564On Wednesday October 14, the Student Program Centre hosted a Meet and Greet. As is often the case on a university campus, staff and faculty work with staff from other offices whom they have never met face-to-face. This gathering was organized to support interoffice and staff and faculty relationships. Along with a delicious assortment of appetizers, the centre handed out a list of staff roles and responsibilities.





UR Indigenization Events (October/November 2015)

University of Regina, First Nations University of Canada, Luther and Campion students, staff and faculty are invited to attend the following events:

1. Treaty Gathering
Friday October 16 – Sunday 18 October, 2015
This 3-day event is open to all peoples. In particular, I would like to invite Education students to attend the Youth Gathering on Friday October 16, 2015. The schedule of events includes:

Youth Forum:

Friday October 16, 2015 (5:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m.) ED 191, Education Building
– This town hall gathering welcomes all people to engage in a dynamic discussion about what Treaties are, our Treaty responsibilities, and implementation plans. This gathering will inform discussions for the Open Forum on Saturday and Sunday. Dinner will be provided by the Faculty of Education, U of R.

Treaty Alliance Open Forum
Saturday October 17 – Sunday 18 October, 2015 (9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.) Multi-purpose Room, FNUniv
– This town hall gathering welcomes all people to engage in a dynamic discussion about Treaty responsibilities and implementation plans.

2. UR Indigenization presents Buffalo Hide Tanning Workshop
Thursday 22 October – Saturday 24 October, 2015, Cultural Space behind First Nations University of Canada
This workshop will take place at the cultural space behind FNUniv from October 22-24, 2015 during the day. Participants are invited to stop by to learn more about this process. Lorne Kequahtooway will lead the group in tanning the buffalo hide. He will share his knowledge and expertise in this area.

3. UR Indigenization presents Senator Lillian Dyck
Wednesday October 28, 2015 7:00 p.m., RIC Auditorium, University of Regina
Senator Lillian Dyck will be on campus to offer a lecture entitled: Missing and Murdered Aboriginal Women and Girls: revealing the numbers game. All people are invited to attend this public lecture on October 28, 2015 (7:00 p.m.) in the RIC Auditorium.

4. #TreatyEDCamp
Saturday November 7, 2015, Teaching Preparation Centre, Education Building
This is a free personal and professional development event sponsored and organized by *STARS Regina. This is PD organized for teachers by teachers, with a particular focus on the implementation of Treaty Education in classrooms. Please see STARS Regina website

For all other questions please contact
Dr. Shauneen Pete
Associate Professor (Aboriginal Education)
Executive Lead: Indigenization
Faculty of Education
University of Regina

Emerging Elder-in-Residence

A pipe ceremony was held Oct 5 as part of the commencement of Joseph Naytowhow’s residency in the Faculty of Education. We were honoured to have Knowledge Keeper and Life Speaker, Noel Starblanket, lead the ceremony.  Joseph will be residing in Ed 221.5 for the duration of his residency.  He will remain until the first week of December.



Nehiyaw (Cree) Pipe Ceremony

There will be a pipe ceremony Monday Monday, Oct. 5, 2015 at 10:00 a.m. in the Teaching Preparation Centre, ED 228, Education Building, University of Regina for the commencement of Joseph Naytowhow’s residency with the Faculty of Education. Elder Noel Starblanket will be leading the ceremony. The length of time will be dependent upon the number of people in attendance; however, one to two hours is estimated.

Pipe ceremony Protocol

We ask that you are aware of the following protocols and abide by them out of respect for the Pipe Carriers.

Tobacco and Prayer Cloths may be given to the Piper Carriers by the Faculty of Education for the blessing of the gathering. You are welcome to make your own tobacco offering, but please arrive early to do so before the ceremony begins. Please arrive on time, as the doors will be closed once the ceremony begins.

Everyone should remove their hats, eyeglasses, and metal jewelry while smudging and participating in the Pipe Ceremony. We ask that you remain silent and refrain from visiting and conversations while the Pipe Ceremony is underway. Once the ceremony is over, it is customary to shake hands with other participants before leaving.

In the oral tradition of the Nehiyaw (Cree), the Elder/Pipe Carrier may explain the ceremony with those gathered.

Females: Females are asked to wear a long skirt and/or wrap a blanket around their legs during the Pipe Ceremony. As well it is customary for females to sit with their legs draped to one side. They should not sit cross-legged.

Moon Time: In Nehiyaw (Cree) tradition, women are considered spiritually powerful during their Moon Time (menstruation), and therefore, do not actively participate in ceremonies. Everyone is welcome to watch and listen, but we ask that women on their Moon Time refrain from sitting in the circle and participating out of respect for the customs and traditions of the Pipe Ceremony.

Please Note: tobacco and smudge will be burnt during the ceremony.

Fall Faculty Seminar~Welcoming Back Staff and Faculty

The faculty and staff came together for their annual fall seminar. This year the focus was on wellness and working together in teams. After coffee and muffins, the day began with a welcome by Dean Jennifer Tupper, in which successes and achievements from the past year were highlighted, and the Dead Balloon recipients were recognized for completing their Phds while members of our faculty (a time-honoured tradition in our faculty). Then, six teams were dispersed to run (or walk) an “Amazing Race,” which guided participants across campus to places such as First Nations University, RPIRG, Registration, Student Success Centre, Students Union, an intermedia lab, a Fafard sculpture and so on. Each team created iMovies to show the whole group the amazing aspects of the campus that they found during their race. After lunch, the group headed to the Kinesiology Building to participate in a variety of group fitness exercises such as Nordic walking, yoga, and zoomba. Later, everyone came together for a reception. The fall seminar helps build a collegial culture of collaboration and teamwork as the faculty and staff anticipate the arrival of students on campus next week for their fall term.

Fall Seminar 2015

Photos credit: Shuana Niessen

Education Student Society (ESS) Welcome Week Events!


Join the ESS for our Welcome Week Events September 9-11

Wednesday and Thursday – Start your day with a Pancake Breakfast in the Ed Lounge from 8:30-10:30!

Wednesday – Join us out on the Green for “Recess” from 11-4!

Thursday – Come out for Sundaes in the Ed Lounge from 1-3!

Friday – Open Lounge – Join us for games, pizza and fun all day!

Follow ESS on Facebook:

2015-2016 Executive

Here is your current E.S.S. Executive and Council. If you are interested in learning about a position and/or volunteering for a position, please contact the President.


President – Brooke Korchinski (
VP Professional Affairs – Logan Amundson
VP Communications – Kendra Leier 9ureginaess@gmail.com0
VP Social – Mike Zylak
VP Finance – Dacy Vance
Secretary – Brandon Debert

General Council

Social Rep: Catlyn Todorovich
Social Rep: vacant
Communications Rep: Aysha Yaqoob
Professional Affairs Rep: Zoey Yanush
Professional Affairs Rep: vacant
STF Rep: Emma Olsen
STF Rep: vacant
Finance Rep: vacant
Project Connect Rep: Jenny Brouwers
Project Connect Rep: Matthew Chamberlain
Elementary Rep: vacant
Middle Years Rep: vacant
Secondary Rep: Amanda Filipchuk
Arts Education Rep: vacant
Music Education Rep: vacant
Baccalauréat en education Rep: vacant
HOPE Rep: vacant
STARS Rep: vacant
SUNTEP Rep: vacant
Mentorship Director: vacant
Mentorship Director: vacant

Saskatchewan Middle Years Conference in October

If you are a student in the Middle Years Program, you may be interested in this Saskatchewan Middle Years Conference. Students pay only $100. Interns and Cooperating Teachers may want to attend together!  This conference is hosted by the Saskatchewan Middle Years Association.

October 22-23

Delta Bessborough, Saskatoon, SK. Don’t forget to Register!

Keynote: Dave Burgess, Author of Teach Like a Pirate