New Digital Exhibit – Archer Library: Early Days

This online exhibit, produced by Archives and Special Collections, presents photographs and documents related to the planning, construction, and opening of the Archer Library. Read the opening address from John H. Archer, learn more about Minoru Yamasaki’s vision for the campus, and see how much the Archer Library and the U of R campus has changed over the last 50 years. View the online exhibit here:

Meet the Staff: Arlysse Quiring

Arlysse Quiring is one of the newer members of the Library User Services team, but she has already become an invaluable addition to the library.  If you see any eye-catching displays by the library, chances are that Arlysse had a hand in creating them.  In her time away from the library, she enjoys music (she is an accomplished musician and teacher), drawing, watching classic movies, reading fine literature, and learning different languages.


What’s the one book you suggest everyone read? Why?

The Strange Case of Dr. Jeckyll & Mr. Hyde by Robert Louis Stevenson. It’s classic horror, but really more about the tragedy of humanity. It is absolutely relevant in the today’s world, and a wonderful read!


What’s one skill that everyone should develop?

Empathy. Severely undervalued and so essential. Read or watch Orson Scott Card’s controversial Ender’s Game for a wonderful take on the importance of empathy.


Which person – living or dead – do you most admire?

In the top five at least would be William Wilberforce: His work in both human rights (abolishing the slave trade in the British Empire) and animal rights (founding the Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals), changed the world immeasurably, and his legacy continues to this day.


Which talent would you most like to have?

Wingsuit jumping. I’m not sure if I could bring myself to do it, but it looks so fun!


What’s one powerful piece of advice for living a fulfilling life?

Question everything. Question your values, your upbringing, your world view… everything. Make sure that you’re living the life you want, under your terms, within your own decisions. CHOOSE your career, your family, your religion, your education, your lifestyle, etc. When you question everything, you don’t weaken your personal convictions, you strengthen your sense of self.

Open Textbooks. Helping Students Save Money!

Psssst . . . have you heard about open textbooks? Open textbooks are textbooks licensed under an open copyright license and made available to be freely used by students, professors, and members of the public. Rather than requiring that students purchase an expensive textbook, open textbooks are freely available online and allow students to read, download, save, and print the textbook as they wish.

The open textbook movement is gaining traction across Canada in an effort to reduce the cost of postsecondary education for students.  British Columbia (through BCcampus) is the Canadian leader in open textbook development, with over 250 textbooks currently listed on their web site. The use of these textbooks have saved BC students almost $10 million in textbook costs. Other provinces, including Saskatchewan, are also starting to advocate for and develop open textbooks. Recent funding from the Government of Saskatchewan allowed the University of Regina to create several open textbooks.

If you like the idea of open textbooks, or want to know more, here are some steps you can take:


  • Learn more about open textbooks so that you can spread the word to fellow students.
  • Talk to your professors about open textbooks. Encourage them to explore options in their subject area.
  • If you are serious about organized advocacy efforts, check out the information for Student Advocates on the BCcampus web page. URSU is very interested in open textbooks, so talk to them about how you can help advocacy efforts on the U of R campus.


  • Explore the open textbooks that are available in your area of interest. A couple of good repositories of open textbooks are BCcampus and the Open Textbook Library.
  • Use an existing open textbook as-is, modify an existing textbook to meet your needs, or mix-match sections from several textbooks.
  • Talk to U of R instructors already using open textbooks (including those who have created new textbooks) for insight into the process (and rewards) of adopting an open textbook for your class.

Open textbooks provide an exciting opportunity for instructors to customize textbook content, while also making postsecondary education more affordable for our students.

Image credit: Opensourceway / CC BY-SA

Library LOL #2

Image Credit –

Luckily as far as we know the Archer Library is not haunted… however read more about five libraries that are haunted! And warning to all our future scholars: never ever spoil book endings if you are doing research on the Antarctic. If you are on campus check out the Spooky Stories display, and did you also wake up today wanting to know why librarians love Edgar Allan Poe?

Since it’s Halloween, we would like to treat the university community to some library treasures that can also be accessed off campus. The trick is to click on the link in the “View It” catalogue record. The Database Sage Research Methods Cases is now on trial, so check out this case study about researching online Halloween images. And get last-minute inspiration to dress up your pet for Halloween with Dog trick or cat treat pets dress up for Halloween.

Views from the Library – Library of Congress, USA


Did you know that the Archer Library has a collection of rare books, including a large collection of rare Robinson Crusoe editions? Libraries are full of exciting collections and unusual treasures, as can be found at the famous Library of Congress: The Library of Congress (Washington, DC, USA) is the proud owner of the world’s biggest comic book collection (over 100,000 comic books)!

Further Reading:

Photo credit: 

The Surprise in the Book Drop: The Dog Ate My Library Book!

surprise book drop
Source: ACME Upstairs Library School

Sometimes books are returned to us with some interesting extras (personal notes, pressed flowers), and sometimes the books themselves return in…interesting conditions.

dog book

The patron who returned this book said that her dog had become frightened during a thunderstorm and, in its distress, chewed the binding of her library book.  The friend who accompanied the patron noted that animal glues (including rabbit) are sometimes used in book binding. Perhaps this attracted the dog to the book?

To learn all you ever wanted to know about book binding glues (and how to make them!), check out this page.

Views From the Library -Tianjin Binhai Library, China

The Archer Library is well-known for it’s stunning internal architecture. Many libraries around the world are also wonderful attractions and tourist sites, such as the Tianjin Binhai Library. Built in 2017, this library is located in China and is an amazing architectural specimen. It is both artistic and practical, with an impressive collection of books and services. It’s interesting to note that the spines of the books seen in the main auditorium are actually just spines of books that are printed and pasted to the walls.


Further reading:

Photo credit:

Paywall: The Business of Scholarship

The Library is hosting a screening of the new documentary, Paywall: The Business of Scholarship, during Open Access Week (October 22-28, 2018).

“Paywall: The Business of Scholarship is a documentary which focuses on the need for open access to research and science, questions the rationale behind the $25.2 billion a year that flows into for-profit academic publishers, examines the 35-40% profit margin associated with the top academic publisher Elsevier and looks at how that profit margin is often greater than some of the most profitable tech companies like Apple, Facebook and Google.”
When: 2:30-4pm on Tuesday, October 23, 2018
Where: LY 107.32 (Regina Room)
Light refreshments will be served.

Further information about the documentary can be found at

For questions about our local screening, contact Cara Bradley, Research & Scholarship Librarian, at

Meet the Staff: Angela Asherbranner

Every month yoURArcher blog will be profiling a staff member so you can get to know the people behind all the library magic.

This month we’d like to introduce you to Angela Asherbranner, one of our valued User Services employees.  Angela has a Master’s of Fine Arts and performs wizardry with maps, videos, and illustrations.  Her hobbies include MMOs and serving her feline masters.

Loki, one of the above mentioned feline masters.

What’s the one book you suggest everyone read?  Why?

Non-fiction:  Il Libro dell’Arte, Cennino Cennini.  Fascinating insight into the culture, materials and techniques of 14th Century Italian artists.  Many of the methods are still valid today.

Fiction:  Strangers, Dean Koontz.  Fun story of suspense and drama with an unexpected ending.

Who are your favourite writers?

Dean Koontz
Edward Johnston
Nicholas Hilliard

What’s one skill that everyone should develop?

Technology skills beyond the basics.

Which person – living or dead – do you most admire?

Nicholas Hilliard

What do you consider your greatest achievement?

I don’t know, I’m not done achieving yet.  So far, any achievements related to my professional development as a Digital Artist.

Where would you most like to live?

Anywhere they never heard of snow.

What is your most treasured possession?

My two adorable, demanding cats, my 18.5′ Alienware laptop with dual Nvidia graphic cards.

What’s one powerful piece of advice for living a fulfilling life?

Never believe anyone who tells you that you can’t do something.

Library Open House–Join the Fun!

The Library is hosting a Town Hall and Open House! Join us on Thursday, October 11, 2018 for a celebration of Archer Library programs and services. Come learn more about how the Library can support your research and study!

Highlights will include a Town Hall (10-10:30am), an Open House (10:30-2:30–Come & Go), and a variety of Tours.

Everyone Welcome! Refreshments served throughout the day.
*Participating students will be entered to win a full day booking in an Archer study room (with snacks!)*