This year, Hanukkah takes place from November 28th to December 6th. Try out some new (or new to you) recipes, learn about the celebrations, check out some great reading and more at our updated Hanukkah tab on the Library Leisure page.
Stay tuned for updates on our Christmas and Kwanzaa tabs soon! We also have tons of ideas for streaming movies through the library, online reading, puzzles and games, and always much more!
As the days get darker and colder, and the season of giving approaches, our thoughts turn to those needing warmth and comfort. Please help support the Dr. John Archer Library and Archive’s Warming Hearts and Hands mitten donation campaign.
From November 29th to December 21st, the Archer Library will be collecting donations of new mittens on behalf of Carmichael Outreach. Mittens can be dropped off in our donation box by the Library entrance. Donated mittens will be displayed on our Christmas tree until the end of the campaign.
Did you know that the library has several display cases where we highlight library services, featured events, library programs, Archive collections and more?
Check out the above current hallway display, found outside of Archer’s main entrance, as well as a few of our favourite displays over recent years (below).
There’s still time to sign up for Archer Book Club’s next meeting on November 24 at 12pm. We will be discussing “Dog’s Best Friend” edited by John Sorenson and Atsuko Matsuoka. Read the whole book or just a chapter from one of these sections: Historical Canid-Human Relations, Dogs in Space, Exploitation or Wild Canids and join our conversation.
Please note that all book club meetings will continue on Zoom. We will be sending out Zoom information closer to the time for all those who have signed up.
Congratulations to four of our librarians on their recent publications!
Way to go Christina, Mary, Cara and Brad.
Check everything out here:
Cara Bradley
Bradley, C. (2021).Academic Librarians, Open Access, and the Ethics of Care. Journal of Librarianship and Scholarly Communication, 9(1).
Bradley, C. (2021). The Role of Institutional Repositories in the Dissemination and Impact of Community-Based Research. Evidence Based Library and Information Practice, 16(3), 18–31.
Sattar, S., Haase, K., Kuster, S., Puts, M., Spoelstra, S., Bradley, C., Wildes, T. M., & Alibhai, S. (2021). Falls in Older Adults with Cancer: An Updated Systematic Review of Prevalence, Injurious Falls, and Impact on Cancer Treatment. Supportive Care in Cancer, 29(1), 21–33.
Sattar, S., Haase, K. R., Bradley, C., Papadopoulos, E., Kuster, S., Santa Mina, D., Tippe, M., Kaur, A., Campbell, D., Joshua, A. M., Rediger, C., Souied, O., & Alibhai, S. (2021). Barriers and Facilitators Related to Undertaking Physical Activities among Men with Prostate Cancer: A Scoping Review. Prostate Cancer and Prostatic Diseases, 1–21.
[online ahead of print]
Mary Chipanshi
Brown, J., Goodridge, D., Thorpe, L., Hodson, A., & Chipanshi, M. (2021). Factors Influencing Practitioners’ Who Do Not Participate in Ethically Complex, Legally Available Care: Scoping Review. BMC Medical Ethics, 22(1), 134-143.
Brad Doerksen
Doerksen, B. (2020). Institutional Literacy and Libraries: Addressing Library Anxiety with a Personal Librarian Program. Partnership: The Canadian Journal of Library and Information Practice and Research, 15(2), 1–19.
Christina Winter
Winter, C., Swartz, M., Owen, V., Ludbrook, A., Selman, B., & Tiessen, R. (2021). Canadian Collaborations: Library Communications and Advocacy in the Time of COVID-19. Journal of Copyright in Education & Librarianship, 5(1).
The Dr. John Archer Library & Archives will be closed for Remembrance Day on November 11th.
To mark the day, we share a poignant letter from the Gladys Arnold collection in University Archives. Gladys was a Saskatchewan journalist, and the only Canadian correspondent in France at the outbreak of the Second World War. She wrote this letter to her parents less than a year before the formal declaration of war. Learn more about Gladys’ archival collection at
Citations: Letter: U of R Archives 98-54 Box 4 File 25, Gladys Arnold to Parents, 1938. Photo: U of R Archives 2007-42 Box 2 Photo 98, Gladys Arnold in Paris, 1936.
My name is Mary Chipanshi, I am the liaison Librarian responsible for Nursing, KHS and Psychology. As an academic librarian, I strive to support the educational mission of the University of Regina by instructing students in information literacy (IL). IL is a life long skill that develops students with the understanding of when and why information is required, and how to look and use the information they find.
In all my IL classes, I am always excited to introduce the many library resources and show students some time saving searching tips, tricks and techniques. It is rewarding to know that by equipping them with these skills they will not only save time looking for information, but also improve their overall assignment. Some students are unaware of the variety of resources available to them through the library. Resources include subject specific databases like CINAHL for nursing, APA PsychInfo for Psychology and SportDiscus for KHS. In addition there are resources of interest like PressReader where you can read hundreds of newspapers and magazines from all over the world or watch a movie through Audio Cine Films. The full database list is available on the Database A-Z list.
Also covered in IL is citing correctly to avoid plagiarism and the use of reference managers like Refworks.
I am also available for one-on-one research consultations. Sometimes I get students apologizing for taking up my time when I spend an hour with them helping them find resources for their assignment. It is with great relief when they find out that Librarians and archivists are there to assist them. And frankly that is the best part of my job!
In the last couple of years, the virtual environment opened up possibilities that were otherwise unattainable. I was able to provide library instruction and reference to U of R students and staff not only in Regina but all over Canada and other parts of the world.
I am always looking for opportunities to collaborate with faculty to design and deliver custom information literacy instruction to students. For example, from January 2020 to October 2021 I have conducted 35 IL classes, with students totaling more than 1,000.00.
October 25-31, 2021 is the 14th annual Open Access Week, a global, community-driven week of action to open up access to research. The University of Regina Library is taking this opportunity to share some of our work to expand your access to our University’s research.
Today’s highlighted service is: oURspace Mediated Deposit Service
oURspace is the University of Regina’s Institutional Repository, an open access repository for the documentation of the scholarly, creative, and cultural contexts of the University of Regina. The Library has launched a new service to assist you in determining your copyrights and depositing your born digital or digitized publications into oURspace. Depositing your scholarly work in oURspace makes it accessible to a wider audience, and is one way that grant holders can comply with the Tri-Agency Open Access Policy on Publications.
October 25-31, 2021 is the 14th annual Open Access Week, a global, community-driven week of action to open up access to research. The University of Regina Library is taking this opportunity to share some of our work to expand your access to our University’s research.
Today’s highlighted service is: Open Journal System (OJS)
The Dr. John Archer Library supports open access publishing by supporting an OJS journal hosting service. This service is open U of R faculty members or students interested in starting an open access journal or migrating an existing journal to an open access platform.
You can view OJS in action by checking out the Faculty of Education’s journal in education. Contact Christina Winter, Copyright and Scholarly Communications Librarian, at, for more information.
October 25-31, 2021 is the 14th annual Open Access Week, a global, community-driven week of action to open up access to research. The University of Regina Library is taking this opportunity to share some of our work to expand your access to our University’s research.
Today’s highlighted service is:
Open Educational Resources/Open Textbooks
The University of Regina OER by Subject Directory is an ongoing collaboration between the University of Regina OER program and Archer Library, which began in fall of 2020. Initially created as a book cloning project by OER coordinator Isaac Mulolani and working with library staff member Arlysse Quiring, the project began as a venture to create a single one-stop-shop for any individual looking for open educational resources to further research in their discipline, to see what open textbooks were available for their current classes, to learn about the possibilities in creating online texts and cloning, and learn of the benefits of a program like PressBooks. The open book is a living document, with continual resource updates as they are discovered, created and contributed. Isaac and Arlysse continue to offer regular introductory sessions for the resource every semester.