Panel Discussion: “Using Open Textbooks – Instructor and Student Experiences”
The University of Regina’s Open Textbook Publishing Program in collaboration with Archer Library is pleased to announce the second of three workshops on open educational resources. A panel of instructors and students will provide their personal perspectives on using open textbooks as teachers and as learners, and will share their thoughts on the future of open educational resources.
When: Wednesday 26 February from 10:30 – 11:45am
Where: LY 107.33 (Archer Library)
A panel of instructors and students who are using open textbooks in their courses will provide their personal perspectives on their experiences. Participants will learn about the benefits and realities of using open textbooks, as well as the challenges and potential areas for improvement. Panelists will also share their thoughts on the future of open educational resources. This panel discussion will be moderated by Cara Bradley, Research& Scholarship Librarian, University of Regina.
For more information on this workshop, please contact open.textbooks@uregina.ca.