Successful defence | Dr. Brittany Tomin

Congratulations to Dr. Brittany Tomin who successfully defended “Science Fiction, Radical Democracy, and World Building: A Pedagogy of Unknowable Futures” through York University on October 22, 2021.


Dr. Jennifer Jenson (co-supervisor, UBC)
Dr. Aparna Mishra Tarc (co-supervisor, York University),
Dr. Kurt Thumlert (committee member/chair, York University)
Dr. Suzanne de Castell (committee member, UBC)
Dr. Kymberley Bird (internal, York University)
Dr. Elizabeth Marshall (external, Simon Fraser University)

Dr. Tomin is a Lecturer – Secondary English Education (High School) with the Faculty of Education since August 2021.

Video: Brittany presents her research:

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