Kristina Lee – Retirement

On June 30, 2020 Kristina Lee retired after more than 30 years in the Faculty of Education. Kristina began her first position with the Faculty of Education on Feb. 5, 1990 (almost straight off the plane from Singapore). The University of Regina, Faculty of Education has been her sole employer since her arrival in Canada. Kristina has worked closely with five Associate Deans during her career: Dr. Louisa Kozey, Dr. Caroline Krentz, Dr. Nick Forsberg, Dr. Heather Ryan and Dr. Val Mulholland.

Kristina also remembers former Deans including Dr. Bob Bryce, Dr. George Rickett, Dr. Michael Tymchak, Dr. Margaret McKinnon, Dr. James McNinch, Dr. Jennifer Tupper, and Dr. Andrea Sterzuk and her career concludes in the role of Executive Assistant to our current Dean, Dr. Jerome Cranston. Kristina says that she has seen many changes over the years and seen the Faculty go through good and hard times. Kristina is also grateful for the opportunity to earn her BEd degree in Adult Education and Training while employed at the University.

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