A Preservice Teacher’s Experience With the Witness Blanket

Video: Kortney Kosheluk shares her experience of hosting elementary students from Regina schools as they viewed The Witness Blanket, part of Kortney’s Education Social Studies 317 coursework.

Kortney says, “I learned a lot from the Witness Blanket, not only from learning about it, but also from helping students learn from it. At first I was sad that it would be leaving the university, but I realized that just because it is gone does not have to mean that people cannot learn from it. It can live on in the others that saw it…So even though it seems like my journey with the Witness Blanket has come to an end, it is not really an ending. It is a beginning for me and my first experience teaching students about residential schools.”

Kortney’s blog can be found at https://kortney23.wordpress.com/

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