Work-life and Health of Teachers

Dr. Ron Martin
Dr. Ron Martin

Dr. Ron Martin will be the Keynote speaker for the Good Spirit School Division annual conference in Yorkton, SK on May 19, 2015

Dr. Martin’s talk will describe research (funded by the Saskatchewan Health Research Foundation) about the work-life and health of teachers in Regina and Saskatoon. Outcomes from this research (e.g., findings about the most salient stressors reported by teachers) were used as the basis for a subsequent intervention study. The study (funded by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada; SSHRC) involved the delivery of an intervention that was designed to help new teachers (i.e., students graduating from our teacher education program and beginning their first paid teaching positions) to better manage key work-related stressors and to remain on the job. The key stressors that were targeted for intervention were: 1) working with students with diverse needs in the classroom; 2) dealing with challenging student behaviors in the classroom; and 3) managing legal and ethical issues on the job.