
About U of R Women

Special Events

Interest Groups




Interest Groups

University of Regina Women Interest Group Activities

Book Club #1
This group meets on the third Monday afternoon of each month to discuss a book of interest to the group.
Convenor: Cara Gay Driscoll

Book Club #2
This book club meets the first Tuesday evening of the month.
Convenor: Tatiana Levit

Culinary Explorers
The Culinary Explorers Club dines at different Regina restaurants once each month. This event usually takes place at 6:00 p.m. on the third Thursday of each month.
Convenor: Kay Antrobus

The Gourmet Cooking Club
This group of women meets monthly for dinner. They plan meals around a cuisine or special theme and work in pairs. Each pair hosts one evening during the year.
Convenor: Cara Gay Driscoll

Le Cercle Francais
This is a French language conversation group for members who wish to socialize in a friendly, French-speaking atmosphere. New members are welcome.
Convenor: Louise McCullough

Matinee Curling Club
The Matinee Women's Curling club curls from mid-October to the end of March. Beginning curlers are warmly welcomed & clinics are held to teach the basics including Stick Curling. The club curls Wednesday afternoons at 1:00pm at the Caledonia Curling Club.
Convenor: Mary Okumura

Monthly Brunch Club
The Monthly Brunch Club meets at 10:00 am on the first Saturday of the month at various establishments around the city.
Convenor: Louise McCullough

Movie Club
The Movie Club attends a movie about once a month at local Movie Theatre followed by a social time at a local coffee shop.
Co-convenors: TBA

Noon Hour Walking Group
The Noon Hour Walking Group meets at the University Library doors. The day is TBD
Convenor: Sheila McKague

Walking Club
The walking Club meets on Tuesday mornings at 9:30am (or on a day and time of the group's choice), gathering in the parking lot at the Willow restaurant.
Convenor: Mary Okumura

Service Group:
Volunteers would help at places such as the Food Bank, Sophia House, soup kitchens, etc.
Convenor: Carmelle Beaaudry at carmelle.beaudry@gmail.com


Please contact Louise McCullough at louisemcc@sasktel.net if you are interested in joining our clubs.

We would love to hear from you!


Note: Prerequisite for joining Interest Groups: payment of membership dues to the University of Regina Women.