Have you checked out the library’s leisure guide yet? One section is dedicated to holidays and celebrations, which will be updated chronologically. We just added a tab for Diwali, the Hindu festival of lights. There are interesting reads and videos to explore all about this celebration!
Today, 2 November 2020, is “Día de los Muertos” (Day of the Dead) a Mexican holiday celebrated in Mexico and elsewhere associated with the Catholic celebrations of All Saints’ Day and All Souls’ Day. To learn more about this Mexican holiday, visit our Library Leisure Guide. We invite you to do some traditional baking and/or watch “Coco” about a boy that journeys into the Land of the Dead to seek forgiveness from his ancestors and lift a curse.
The Archer Library staff is getting in the Halloween 2020 spirit… by dressing up their pets. As you can see Hagrid is still deciding which costume to wear, but Gracie is ready with her “candy corn” attire, and Brooks is dressed as a spooky bandit.
Share your dressed up pets in the comments below….
The next virtual Archer Book Club will take place on October 21st, 2020 at 12pm. We will be discussing the classic short story The Legend of Sleepy Hollow by Washington Irving. This seasonally appropriate ghost story was the winner of the Fall 2020 Archer Book Club vote, and can accessed online through the library!
We will send out Zoom information for all those who sign up.
More information about this month’s selection (including how to access it), discussion points, etc. can also be found at the above page. Vote for Winter 2021 selections!
Future 2020 Meetings November 18, 2020 – 12pm-1pm (Good Natured by Frans B. M. De Waal)
Bored? Stressed? Both? The library’s Social Media Team has launched a Library Leisure Guide! This page is our new home for fun activities and initiatives for students, staff and faculty of the University of Regina. Check out our Halloween movies gallery (accessible online through our databases), traditional recipes for Día de los Muertos, relaxing colouring pages, and much more! Enjoy!
To celebrate Women’s History Month, the University of Regina Archives and Special Collections would like to profile journalist Gladys Arnold.
Image credit: University of Regina Archives and Special Collections, Gladys Arnold Fonds, 98-54, Box 32, File 711, Gladys Arnold in Paris, 1938
Arnold was born in Macoun, Saskatchewan in 1905. She taught in various rural schools before joining the Regina Leader-Post in April 1930. Arnold began as an editorial assistant but was soon writing editorials, feature articles, and news stories that were picked up by other newspapers.
Seeking adventure, Arnold left her job in 1935 and traveled to Europe. Arnold began submitting freelance pieces to the Canadian Press (CP) and shortly was hired as their full-time Paris correspondent. In the next four years she reported from France, Belgium, Switzerland, Germany, Austria, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Italy and from the Spanish border during the Spanish Civil War.
Image credit: University of Regina Archives and Special Collections, Gladys Arnold Fonds, 98-54, Box 2, File 12, Gladys Arnold’s press card, Paris, 1940 (front) and (back)
Gladys Arnold was the sole Canadian correspondent in France at the outbreak of the Second World War and she covered the early days of the conflict, the so-called “phoney war”, until the German occupation of Paris in June 1940. Returning to Canada, Arnold served with the CP Bureau in Ottawa until 1941 when she left CP to help set up the Free French Information Service in Canada. After the war this service was attached to the French Embassy in Ottawa and Arnold served as its Director until her retirement in 1971.
In 1987 Arnold published her memoirs about her wartime experiences, One Woman’s War: A Canadian Reporter with the Free French (Toronto: J. Lorimer, 1987). For her service to France she was named Honorary Brigadier in the French Free Forces in 1940, and Chevalier de la legion d’honneur in 1975. In 1988 the University of Regina presented her with an honorary Doctor of Laws. Gladys Arnold died in Regina in 2002.
The Gladys Arnold Fonds at the University of Regina Archives and Special Collections consists of 10 collections containing her personal and professional papers. You can browse the contents of Arnold’s collections by visiting her dedicated web page.
Are you registered as a student in the current Fall 2020 semester and intend to register for Winter 2021 at the University of Regina? The Archer Library has an opening for the position of Casual Library Student Assistant, check under Student Positions on the UofR Human Resources website. Apply online using the HR E-Recruitment system, closing date is October 13, 2020!
Still time to complete the Archer Library “Look For The Book” online scavenger hunt!
Rules: 1) Open to all registered students (undergraduate and graduate) until Sept. 30th, 2020. 2) Five prizes of $20 Tim’s gift cards will be awarded randomly to those who finish the scavenger hunt instructions. 3) Find the “Happy Books” using the five clues. To be entered for the prize draw: a) Fill out the form with each of the Happy Book icon locations (please send all five at the same time), with your name and student number. https://uregina.libwizard.com/f/lookforhappybook b) Post the final instruction on InstaGram, Facebook or Twitter and tag #archerlibrary and #lookforthebook.
Happy Scavenger Hunt!
Clue #1: The library is like a home away from home for students like me. (Hint: Go to the library homepage (https://www.uregina.ca/library) and look to the left!)
Keep our distance AND enjoy spending some virtual quality book time together. This fall the Archer Book Club will continue to host virtual meetings on Wednesday September 23rd, October 21st and November 18th (12 pm – 1 pm). We are inviting the UofR community (students, faculty and staff) to read, and join the discussion during virtual Zoom meetings. Visit the Archer Book Club guide for more information and to join!
There’s still time to read and join us for the last Archer Book Club session for summer 2020! On Wednesday August 12th at 2:00pm we will be chatting about The Last Wish, by Andrzej Sapkowski. This novel is from The Witcher series, which is also the inspiration for a number of games and the Netflix series. Staff, faculty and students are all welcome!
Please note the book club meets virtually and a zoom link will be sent to all participants closer to the meeting. To join us simply send us an email. Contact information and more about the book club, this month’s selection, and archived June and July meetings can be found here: https://uregina.libguides.com/archerbookclub
Also remember to vote for Fall 2020 selections! Voting will be available until August 4th, 2020.