Open Access Week: APCs

October 25-31, 2021 is the 14th annual Open Access Week, a global, community-driven week of action to open up access to research. The University of Regina Library is taking this opportunity to share some of our work to expand access to our University’s research.

Today’s highlighted service is:
Discounts for Article Processing Charges (APCs)

Some gold open access journals and hybrid journals charge authors fees for publishing articles. The University of Regina Library has negotiated reduced or free article processing charges (APC) with several publishers, providing substantial savings for U of R authors publishing with:

· American Chemical Society (ACS)
$250 USD discount

· Canadian Science Publishing
50% discount

· Elsevier
20% discount

· Journal of agriculture, food systems, and community development
No article processing charges (APC)

· SAGE Choice journals
No article processing charges (APC)

· SAGE gold open access journals
40% discount

· Taylor & Francis
25% discount

Please check details at or contact Cara Bradley ( for more information.

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Leisure Guide Update: Halloween, Día de los Muertos, Diwali

With celebrations, movie nights and delicious treats just around the corner, we have updated our Library Leisure Guide pages for Halloween, Día de los Muertos, and Diwali.

We have added new recipe links and cooking videos (make your own coconut burfi or pan de muerto!), more informational articles and videos on history and celebrations (carve a spooky turnip while watching traditional Mexican dances!), a great new selection of classic and contemporary movies (non-sparkly vampires, singing witches, and a whole lot of Tim Burton!), and much more!

Check out the Halloween tab here.

Check out the Día de los Muertos tab here.

Check out the Diwali tab here.

The entire Leisure Guide can be found here.

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Celebrating Women’s History Month 2021: Alaa Murabit

October is Women’s History Month in Canada. Throughout the month we are highlighting remarkable women through history to the present day, and featuring some of their works in our library collection.

This week we are showcasing Dr. Alaa Murabit. From the Government of Canada on Women of Impact in science, technology, engineering and mathematics: “Alaa Murabit is a physician, an international advocate for inclusive peace processes, a UN High-Level Commissioner on Health Employment and Economic Growth, and one of 17 UN-appointed Global Sustainable Development Goal Advocates. Born in 1989 to Muslim parents in Saskatoon, Murabit grew up with her 10 siblings in a household where girls and boys were treated equally, an example she carried into her personal and professional life.” (Read more here)

While still early in her thriving career, a number of articles of interest by and about her can be found here in our collection.
Dr. Murabit’s website can be found here.
Her influential TEDWomen 2015 lecture can be found here.

More historical trivia!!! (Women in Canadian History: A Timeline):

1867: “Dr. Emily Stowe, first Canadian woman physician to practice in Canada.”
1954: “1954: Elsie Knott, first woman elected chief of a First Nation community.”
2017: “Canada took action against gender-based violence” (first federal strategy)”

Alaa Murabit Photo: Image Source

Celebrating Women’s History Month 2021: Adrienne Clarkson

October is Women’s History Month in Canada. Over the next few weeks we will be highlighting remarkable women through history to the present day, and featuring some of their works in our library collection.

This week we are showcasing Adrienne Clarkson. From the Government of Canada on Women of Impact in politics: “In 1999, Adrienne Clarkson became the first visible minority to be appointed Governor General of Canada and the first to hold the position without a military or political background. Born in Hong Kong, Clarkson and her parents came to Canada as refugees in 1942, settling in Ottawa. Clarkson spent many years at the CBC as a TV host-interviewer, writer and producer.”

A selection of works by Adrienne Clarkson in our collection:
Belonging: The Paradox of Citizenship
Heart Matters
Canada: A Possible Vision

A general search for articles, biographies and more can be found here.

Additionally this week, some historical trivia (Women in Canadian History: A Timeline):

1875: A university degree is awarded to a woman in Canada for the first time.
1929: Women in Canada are officially recognized as “persons” (previously property).
2005: Same-sex marriage becomes legal across Canada.

Adrienne Clarkson Photo: Image Source

Celebrating Women’s History Month 2021: Mary Ann Shadd Cary

October is Women’s History Month in Canada. Over the next few weeks we will be highlighting remarkable women through history to the present day, and featuring some of their works in our library collection. This week we are showcasing Mary Ann Shadd Cary. From the Government of Canada on Women of Impact in human rights: “Mary Ann Shadd Cary was a courageous abolitionist and the first Black woman in North America to publish a newspaper.”

Read more about her remarkable work and life here.

The book photographed above is one of her most recognized works, and borrowing information can be found here.

A general search for articles, biographies and more can be found here.

Photo courtesy of Jason Cawood.

Indigenous Conversations and the Library Update – September 30 – National Day for Truth and Reconciliation

September 30, 2021 will mark the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation. The University Library’s Indigenous Conversations and the Library libguide has been updated with relevant upcoming events (as communicated to campus by Lori Campbell, Associate Vice-President (Indigenous Engagement)), as well as additional informational website links, videos, books, residential school maps, and more.

Check out the Indigenous Conversations and the Library libguide

Visit the Every Child Matters and Residential Schools tab directly

Visit the Truth and Reconciliation Commission tab directly

We also have tabs on: Decolonizing the Library, Justice System and Police Relations, Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women, Environment and Health, Beyond Canada, and of course there’s also a wealth of information and resources on the landing page (above).

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Cozy Friday Movies

Evenings are getting chilly, the foliage is a riot of colours, and assignments are piling on. Take a cozy movie break this weekend, and check out some of the great new additions to our library movie databases. Whether you’re looking for superheroes, dalmatian fashion, or fast cars and family, there are great movie selections for your home movie night!
Library Leisure Guide – Movies

Library Leisure Guide – Home

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International Talk Like a Pirate Day – September 19th, 2021

Ahoy, me library hearties! For just a barrel o’ fun, we’ve created a tab on our Library Leisure Guide for International Talk Like a Pirate Day (September 19th, 2021).

From general history and classic pirate books in our collection (It that Long John Silver yonder?) to pirate-themed movies in our library databases (It’s CAPTAIN Jack!), check it all out before we sail away!

International Talk Like a Pirate Day tab

Library Leisure Guide

Indigenous Conversations and the Library – Library Guide

We are pleased to launch a new library guide called Indigenous Conversations and the Library.

The purpose of this subject guide is to provide a general source of information for current Indigenous conversations, issues and social movements. 

Where possible academic resources via the university library have been provided, but external sources are also noted for general information and research.  This guide is a living resource and will be updated whenever possible.

The guide can be found here:

Image courtesy of Arlysse Quiring. Read more about artist Martha Tawiyaka and their work here.

Library Leisure Guide – Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur

Rosh Hashanah will take place from Monday September 6 to Wednesday September 8 (2021) and Yom Kippur will take place from Wednesday September 15 to Thursday September 16 (2021).

We’ve created a new tab on the Library Leisure Guide Holidays & Celebrations tab! Check out information about the traditions, try your hand at a few recipes, and more!

Holidays & Celebrations Tab

Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur Tab

Library Leisure Guide

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