May the beauty of the Diwali season fill your home with happiness.

May the beauty of the Diwali season fill your home with happiness.
Congratulations to the winners of the Dr. John Archer Library & Archives inaugural 2-Sentence Horror Story Contest! Students were invited to submit original horror stories about any terrifying topic or gruesome subject, in two sentences and 400 characters (or less) in length. Entries were judged in a blind review by a panel of Library staff, with the two winners awarded a University Campus Store gift card, and the runner-up receiving a bag of Archer goodies. Read on to view the winning submissions…. if you dare.
Paige Dahlman, undergraduate (Major in Psychology and Major in Human Justice)
She stood alone, watching the burial from afar. A chill ran down her spine as a cold breath whispered in her ear, “you’re next”.
C J Hinz, undergraduate (Psychology)
As I opened the Archer Library’s link to the 2-sentence horror story contest, there it was, staring me in the face among the contest rules: 400 characters or LESS (not fewer)? Oh, the horror!
Rylee Phillips, undergraduate (Education)
They were such a beautiful couple, the ones that rented my old home. Such a shame that they weren’t warned that I never left.
Archer Library Book Sale – donate now!
It’s been a while since we’ve had a library full of patrons working, studying and using our resources, so we thought we’d send out a friendly reminder about our noise zone guidelines for personal volume levels. As a courtesy to other people in our space, we ask that you be mindful of these guidelines depending on where you are in the building.
If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to talk to any staff member at the main Help Desk, or contact us here:
October 2022 marks the 30th annual Women’s History Month in Canada. Celebrate with a selection of movies from our collection that are by or about women! Find them with a simple title search using our Quick Find search engine.
We are pleased to share with you the Dr. John Archer Library and Archives 2021-2022 Annual Report (web edition):
Our annual report showcases and honours the support and leadership of our dedicated faculty and staff.
The Archer Library has a proud history of innovation when it comes to meeting the needs of students, staff, and faculty. I hope you will help us celebrate the many accomplishments of our community by reviewing the annual report.
Cover image: Jason Cawood
Hi everyone! I’m Emma Moros, and I’m a student at UBC where I’m pursuing a Masters in library and archival studies. I’m very excited to be joining Archer Archives this term from Vancouver (1400 km away!) as a co-op student.
I’m passionate about archives because of their connection to people’s and communities’ lives and stories, and I believe archives have a responsibility to care for not just these stories, but also the people and communities who entrust us with them.
You might (rightly) be wondering how I can work for the archives at the U of R from another city! I’m working on some fully virtual projects, including migrating finding aids (descriptions of archival collections to help people find what they’re looking for in the archives) into an online system, compiling examples of best practices related to equitable and inclusive archiving for the Archives to implement, and helping support records and information management work at the University of Regina.
I’m excited to see where my time with Archer Archives takes me — I’ve already learned a ton from the team here in my first few weeks!
Happy Islamic Heritage Month! October celebrates the role that Muslim communities play in Canadian society and highlights their extraordinary contributions.
The Archer Library is a great place to find Islamic resources, learn more about the history of Islam in Canada and recognize the many achievements of Muslim Canadians.
You’ll find Islamic literature on the 3rd floor under the call numbers that start with BP, or try searching our Research Guide on the subject:
Image: Detail from Abu al -Fazl ibn Mubarak. (1595). Iyar-i-Danish (Chester Beatty Library Ms. 4) © Harvard University Fine Arts Library.
We are pleased to announce that a significant ongoing investment by the Office of the Vice President (Research), leveraged from the Research Services Fund, will ensure that the Dr. John Archer Library and Archives will be able to maintain both the Wiley and Taylor& Francis journal packages for the foreseeable future. We would like to recognize the work of Dr. Christopher Yost, Dr. david Gregory, and Mr. Dave Button in achieving this significant endorsement of the Archer Library’s role in the teaching, learning, and research enterprise of the University of Regina.