There’s still time to read and join us for the last Archer Book Club session for summer 2020! On Wednesday August 12th at 2:00pm we will be chatting about The Last Wish, by Andrzej Sapkowski. This novel is from The Witcher series, which is also the inspiration for a number of games and the Netflix series.
Staff, faculty and students are all welcome!
Please note the book club meets virtually and a zoom link will be sent to all participants closer to the meeting. To join us simply send us an email. Contact information and more about the book club, this month’s selection, and archived June and July meetings can be found here: https://uregina.libguides.com/archerbookclub
Also remember to vote for Fall 2020 selections! Voting will be available until August 4th, 2020.
Image source: https://www.pxfuel.com/en/free-photo-xvcgq