Lab Director
- PhotoCredit: SHRF
Dr. Katya Herman joined the Faculty of Kinesiology & Health Studies at the University of Regina in 2013. Her academic background includes a BSc in Biochemistry (McMaster), MSc in Community Health and Epidemiology (Saskatchewan), PhD in Kinesiology and Health Studies (Physical Activity Epidemiology) (Queen’s), and Postdoctoral Fellowships in Epidemiology and in Kinesiology (McGill). Dr. Herman’s research interests are focused around physical activity, sedentary behaviour and obesity epidemiology. Her research has covered the lifespan from children to adults to older adults, examining the inter-relationships between physical activity, sedentary behaviour and obesity, and associations with both health-related quality of life and cardiometabolic outcomes. Dr. Herman is a member of the Canadian Society for Exercise Physiology, the International Society for Physical Activity and Health, the Sedentary Behaviour Research Network, and the Canadian Obesity Network. She is a former national team athlete in rowing, and continues to row for fun and fitness, while also a level 3 certified coach. Other interests include travel and home decorating and renovations.
Graduate Students
Applications being accepted – funding available for qualified students.
- Michelle Degelman, BHS (2013), MSc (2017)
Email: degelmmi@uregina.ca -
Michelle joined the PA-Epi Lab in 2014, and graduated with her MSc in 2017, completing a systematic review and meta-analysis investigating smoking as a cause of multiple sclerosis. She also published a paper looking at immigrant status and having a family physician in Canada. She was the recipient of a CIHR Frederick Banting and Charles Best Canada Graduate Scholarship (2014-15) and several other scholarships. Michelle now works for Saskatchewan Health as a Clinical Appropriateness Analyst.
Undergraduate Honours Students
Applications being accepted! Ideally students should begin considering this option by the end of their 2nd year.
Email your interest or stop by for a visit any time!
- Mahrukh Masood, BKin Hons (2019)
Email: masood5m@uregina.ca -
Mahrukh completed her Honours thesis in the PA-Epi lab in 2018-19, investigating Productivity and Behaviour Perceptions of Office Workers Trialing a Sit-Stand Workstation. Mahrukh is pursuing a masters degree in the Dept of Biology at the UofR.
- Caryl Marbella, BKin Hons (2019)
Email: marbellc@uregina.ca -
Caryl completed her Honours thesis in the PA-Epi lab 2018-19, investigating Physical activity and sedentary behaviour in Canadian Immigrants. Caryl is pursuing a masters degree at the University of Alberta.
Research Assistants – The lab couldn’t run without this amazing group of students!
Ed Toledo, BKin (in progress)
Email: toledoae@uregina.ca -
Ed joined the PA-Epi Lab in Winter 2017, as a volunteer research assistant for the SeasonActiv study, and started doing participant assessments in Winter 2018. He is currently in his 3rd year of Kinesiology, and still considering his options for what it is he wants to do with his degree after he finishes, thinking graduate school “maybe”. In his spare time Ed likes to work out, stay active and binge watch Netflix.
Christa Penner, BKin (2018)
Email: penner6c@uregina.ca -
Christa was a PA-Epi Lab member 2016-2018, as a volunteer research assistant for the SeasonActiv study, then taking over the administration and participant scheduling for the study. Upon completion of her BKin, Christa achieved her goal of gaining admission to an MSc in Physical Therapy at the University of Saskatchewan.
Eman Abdulhadi, BKin Hons (2017)
Email: abduhae@uregina.ca -
Eman completed her Honours thesis in the PA-Epi Lab 2015-16, investigating the Association between Sedentary Behaviour and Mental Health in Kinesiology Students. Eman is pursuing an MSc in Physiotherapy at the University of Saskatchewan, and has gained admission to Medical School.