What are we?

The Film Students' Association (FSA) of Regina is a group comprised of film students that work to integrate the film students with the film community and university populous. We strive to put on events that appeal to both film students and non-film students. Our office is located in the education building down the film hallway and our email address is fssr.uregina@gmail.com. Feel free to stop in or contact us.
President's Message

Hello all,
My name is Zach Almond and I am the president of the Film Students' Association. I would like to extend a warm welcome to everyone on behalf of the FSSR. For many years, the FSA has served as a means for film students to connect with people both in the film world and with the university as a whole. This mission has been carried out since the forming of the group, but at no time more so than last year. Through the efforts of Teresa Puglia (the former president) and the support of our film department, as well as countless others, the FSA has been able to have new life breathed into it and a renewed sense of purpose. I hope that the FSA will continue to maintain a strong presence at the U of R both now and in the years to come.
Thank you for your support and I hope to see new faces at our events.
Zach Almond
FSSR President 2016-17