Nolan, K. (2016). Schooling novice mathematics teachers on structures and strategies: A Bourdieuian perspective on the role of ‘others’ in classroom practices. Special Issue on Contemporary Theory II, Educational Studies in Mathematics. DOI: 10.1007/s10649-015-9668-1 [article]
Nolan, K. (2015). Beyond tokenism in the field? On the learning of a Mathematics teacher educator and faculty supervisor. Cogent Education, 2: 1065580. [Article PDF]
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Nolan, K., & Keazer, L. (2014). Towards equity in mathematics education: gender, culture, and diversity (A Book Review). Research in Mathematics Education, 16(1), 84-89. doi:10.1080/14794802.2013.874097 [Link]
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Nolan, K., & Walshaw, M. (2012). Playing the game: A Bourdieuian perspective of pre-service inquiry teaching. Teaching Education, 23(4), 345-363. [Link]
Nolan, K. (2011). Pausing to relate and participate: A review of Mathematical Relationships in Education. Educational Studies in Mathematics, 76(2), 231-235.
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Nolan, K. (2003). Casting shadows in the science classroom. Canadian Journal of Science, Mathematics and Technology Education, 3(2), 213-229. [Link]
Nolan, K. & Corbin Dwyer, S. (2004). The role of portfolios in healing the split between instruction and assessment in mathematics. Policy & Practice in Education, 11(1&2), 9-24.