
Since SPHERU is not a degree-granting body, all graduate level STFs must meet the requirements of the graduate program at their home university (i.e., University of Regina or University of Saskatchewan).

CPHR offers an enriched curriculum.  Its core course, “Interdisciplinary Perspectives in Population Health Research and Practice”, provides the foundation knowledge for the program.  This course will be offered at both host universities via the Saskatchewan Universities Graduate Agreement (SUGA).  STFs will also attend learning retreats (2-4 days/academic year) and day-long seminars (2-4/academic year) featuring national and international visiting scholars.  Thesis dissertations must fit within one of SPHERU’s research programs.  This is one important criterion for STF selection.  STFs will work on a research or policy project that fits within one of SPHERU’s research programs:

SPHERU’s Major Research Programs

SPHERU’s Cross-Cutting Programs

  • Economic and Environmental Globalization and Health

  • Community/Environment as a Health Determinant

  • Multiple Roles, Gender and Health

  • Determinants of Healthy Childhood Development

  • Culture Identity and Health

  • Capacity Building, Power and Powerlessness

  • Policy, Governance and Health

All STFs who are in their last year are required to present their thesis work to CPHR participants.  All STFs close to defending are asked to propose a date to make such a presentation.  (Currently set up as a 1 hour lunch-time presentation consisting of a 20-30 minute presentation and 1/2 hour discussion.)  We encourage CPHR mentors and other STFs to attend.  If space permits, we welcome other home department committee members to attend.  Arrangements to teleconference the presentation between sites may be made.  All final year STFs are asked to contact the Program Coordinator and/or your mentor ASAP to discuss possible dates for their presentation.

PhD STFs are required to prepare and submit a manuscript for publication in a peer reviewed journal prior to beginning their fourth year of their graduate program.   

Work-Sabbatical STFs will be expected to take part in all learning activities of the CPHR Training Program with the exception of the thesis requirement.  Work-Sabbatical STFs will be matched with one of CPHR’s willing Mentors as well as one of SPHERU’s research programs.  At the end of the two-year training cycle, STFs will produce a policy relevant report.  All Work-Sabbatical STFs will be formally acknowledged for their participation in the program.  Entry into CPHR will be through a formal application and selection process.