Nolan, K. (2009). Review of Culturally Responsive Mathematics Education. Teachers College Record, Date Published: November 02, 2009. [Link].
Research Reports
Nolan, K., & Graham, S. (2015). Report on Grade 6-8 student questionnaires. In What perceptions do individuals, involved in mathematics teaching and learning, hold of the use of mathematics specialist teachers? Unpublished report, University of Regina, Regina, SK.
Nolan, K., & Graham, S. (2015). Report on university pre-service middle years teacher questionnaires. In What perceptions do individuals, involved in mathematics teaching and learning, hold of the use of mathematics specialist teachers? Unpublished report, University of Regina, Regina, SK.
Nolan, K., & Graham, S. (2015). Report on Grade 6-8 parent/guardian questionnaires. In What perceptions do individuals, involved in mathematics teaching and learning, hold of the use of mathematics specialist teachers? Unpublished report, University of Regina, Regina, SK.
Nolan, K., & Graham, S. (2015). Report on Grade 6-8 teacher questionnaires. In What perceptions do individuals, involved in mathematics teaching and learning, hold of the use of mathematics specialist teachers. Unpublished report, University of Regina, Regina, SK.
Nolan, K., & Graham, S. (2015). Report on Grade 6-8 school administrator questionnaires. In What perceptions do individuals, involved in mathematics teaching and learning, hold of the use of mathematics specialist teachers? Unpublished report, University of Regina, Regina, SK
Nolan, K. (2009). Embracing a new mathematics curriculum: Stories from Good Spirit School Division. Yorkton: GSSD.
Freisen, D., Maeers, M., Nolan, K., Couros, A. (2004). A Shifting Landscape: Integrating Information & Communication Technologies into a Faculty of Education. Final Report of the iTeacherEd Project. Regina: Saskatchewan Instructional Development and Research Unit (SIDRU) Publications.
Public Seminars and Colloquia
Nolan, K. (February 23, 2011). Mathematics Education in Canada. Invited seminar at the Centre of Excellence for Research in Mathematics Education (CERME) in the College of Education at Massey University, Palmerston North, NZ.
Nolan, K. (September 11, 2007). Mathematics education and sociocultural theory. Sociocultural Theory in Education Conference: Theory, Identity and Learning, University of Manchester, England.
Nolan, K. (September 12, 2007). Tell it like it is: The hegemonic hold of “straight forward instruction” in the teaching and learning of mathematics. Invited Seminar at Manchester Metropolitan University (MMU), Manchester, England.
Nolan, K. (May 4, 2005). “For people who don’t excel at real mathematics”: (R)evolving images of mathematics assessment. Invited Colloquium at the University of Alberta, AB, Canada.