New Appointment for Inclusive Education

mathesonian1 The Faculty of Education is pleased to announce that on July 1st, we will be welcoming Ian Matheson to our Faculty.

Ian is currently completing his PhD from the Faculty of Education, Department of Cognitive Studies at Queen’s University, with an anticipated defence in late spring 2017. During his doctoral studies, Mr. Matheson has been the recipient of numerous grants and fellowships, including a SSHRC Doctoral Award, an Ontario Graduate Scholarship, and a Frank W. MacLean Fellowship. His Masters and Bachelors of Education were also obtained from Queen’s University, with a Bachelor of Science, Honours Psychology, from the University of Trent. Mr. Matheson has worked for school divisions in Ontario and has also taught undergraduate education classes at Queen’s.

Ian’s research in inclusive education explores the cognitive and neuropsychological underpinnings for a wide range of exceptional populations. His doctoral dissertation describes the common maladaptive beliefs that students with high incidence and hidden exceptionalities hold, and how educators can promote more adaptive alternative beliefs to support their students. In addition to his doctoral research, Mr. Matheson has been involved in a qualitative research analysis of a social skills intervention for individuals with Autism Spectrum disorder. The study examined and analyzed the behaviour of participants in relation to experiences of intervention. He also worked on a SSHRC project to understand cognitive underpinnings of children’s mathematical reasoning and arithmetic proficiency. These research projects align with the Faculty of Education’s commitment to inclusive education and will undoubtedly provide important learning for all students in the teacher education program as they seek to meet the needs of exceptional learners in classrooms. Ian will be a very welcome addition to the EPSY area, the Faculty and the University.

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